Saturday, January 12, 2013

PS VITA's DANGERS & kids devices

    Parents, please learn all you can about any hand held device your children have. These electronics automatically update, then download those updates just like our computers do. If you  think you blocked & locked the browser?, think again.
      They can get access through WIFI which they can pick signals up in certain places in the home, in the car, a mall, a movie, the grocery store, any place that has wifi, even neighbors. They pick up the WIFI signal and can get into anything, and I mean anything and everything that most adults wouldn't get into. When you ask to check the device, it looks as if you can't check history and you can't see what they have seen because it's only accessible once WIFI is accessed. Also this VIta has a thing called PARTY where your children can talk to people anywhere in the UNITED STATES and you may think, aw that's cute, they're talking to Friends. No they are making connections to strangers and making new VITA friends. VITA means life, and that's what happens when you buy them a VITA-they create a brand new life !

     They can access all social media-all! PLEASE guard that Vita and protect your children.

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