Sunday, February 17, 2013

Faith, Beliefs, Food, Kids, Health, God, and Life

       Years ago there was a song titled, What's is all about, Alfie? I seem to think about that a lot or maybe it seems that way at times. We all go through periods where we, think deeply about things and then we have the what ifs.
Have you wondered what your life is all about? I do sometimes and talked that over with my son. His comment was, if we think too long about our purpose or what's to be our purpose, we don't enjoy life. That makes sense to me, and I thrive on common sense, yet to be honest I am very impulsive and my lack of financial common sense has gotten me into trouble at times.

     Common sense is how I catch kids in lies.  Common send is how I now eat once again, plant based. I started yesterday. A boy moved out of my home Friday and I knew I would go back to Gods way of eating which is plant based, however he also put animals here for our food too. That was a time when pesticides weren't "spread" so wide. This too was a chat with my son, how when I was doing Forks over Knives, I was emotionally happy, and happier each day. But it's pesticides that have to now make me decide what meats I will eat as I love meat and don't want to do without. I will research free range beef.

    There is a new reporter who I will look up now, stopping as this is important, BILL CURTIS ! I just remembered.  He even talked about that when he was interviewed about his beef.  He has a ranch in the Midwest where he lets his herd roam free, God's way, which is how it was in the beginning and no I wasn't there. So how would I know you ask? Look into when pesticides came to be. Check out cancers, when were they first know and what population of people have cancer and heart disease LESS than anywhere else. That information you will find in The Blue Zones areas. Look it up.

      Look at kids in this generation and a few generations before. What makes them happy or I should ask what makes them think they're happy? Electronics, drugs, money, alcohol, freedom, lack of responsibilities, bullying and more along those lines.

     Then look at other kids, kids who eat differently, whose family values are to do for others as you would have them do for you, who have spiritual connections, who do for others, take responsibility, education is important, money is when they work for it, ethics, respect of adults and property, the law, being there for friends, not being part of bullying and they don't have to have name brands and what other kids have. They live within their means and the means of the parents.
     So what's it all about Alfie? In that story, the young lady learns it's about love, not money, not all of the things money will get you but love. Love covers everything. If you have love of family and faith, you will respect yourself and others to start with, and from that the other things which have values will follow.
    Next time your child asks you about life and why we're here, let them know simply, for each other and to learn.

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