Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I Am Who I Was Born to Be !


 As I sit here and write I am listening to, as I have been this last half hour, Susan Boyle.
  Though I may not know the answers,
  I can finally say I'm free
  If they're questions let me hear them
  I am who I was born to be...

That is my favorite part of the song. Today I received the Proof to a story, a children's story that without collaboration from Tom Kastet and Ron Myrnes, it would not have come true.

Listening to the music and realizing the completion of  a dream at my age, took a few hours to sink in, and when it did, I found myself overcome with memories and emotions. You know as a kid when you're told things and it continues into adult hood, you accept that maybe they were right. Somehow this very little book tells me a different story; Finally I am who I was born to be.
Not just a creator of stories because the people I know, know how I can make up stories for kids, but I am a writer, a mother of the two best kids on God's earth, a grandmother of one and one on the way, a cousin to a few terrific people in Norway, a believer and  a friend.

Now I know the answer.
I am Thankful.
Don't ever give up!

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