Monday, February 18, 2013


      We get all kinds of e mails and then say to ourselves, oh that's a good one, have to remember that, yet because of busy lives, we forget. For whatever reason this morning I thought about that test and know I am going to ask for it soon. Why not? CA 125
    YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR IT ! Because it's so expensive no one will offer it to you...SO ASK. CALL YOUR OBGYN and say I want to make an appointment to get this test done.   CA 125 I don't know what the protocol is for getting it done, if you have to have cancer in your family or not, but I don't think so. There are a few ways and one is a blood test, one is during your obgyn exam and I don't know the other but this is for women, a way to detect early cancer.

We have cancer cells in us, and what it takes to make them become that enemy within to destroy and take lives is somewhat unknown, but we hear it's how we eat and stress. Change your lives if you can. CA125
   Make it a day you'll remember to do once a year. Just do it, get it done and get that UNKNOWN, under the skin worry, gone.
     CA 125

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