Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kids Brain Football injuries

       Yeah, I know these are just kids. They can't get hurt like the big guys. You should hear what I am listening to right now. Grown up professional players do not want their own kids playing football. One, I think it was Brett Farve has said, I don't remember my daughter ever playing soccer. Others don't remember so much and wonder how their brain has been damaged. There is a billion dollar settlement under way for brain injuries.
      It is being said now, it will take moms to do something about stopping kids from playing football. Men want and love the roughness and toughness of the game and think, hey they're boys, they need to play football. When they have brain damage will that same man be able to pay the bills, will he be able to sit and watch, take care of a son, now brain damaged because of football? It only takes one hit ! They only have one life.

Think about it. Save your sons, now.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Free Education Law Center-offers HOPE

       Hello Parents

                    We don't know what we don't know until someone else lets us in or until we have the problem and search and search until we find answers. By then it may be too late. I live in Pennsylvania and there is an ELC here, and there is one in every state. If there isn't, there is one close by in a bordering state who will still help you at no cost to you.
            The Education Law Center is in business to make sure your child's needs are being met. So many children of all ages are becoming criminals because they have disabling issues, mental health problems not being taken care of in connection with education, So what do schools usually want to do? Suspend, over and over and then send to a lock down behavior school and finally a residential placement.
     None of that is an answer when your child's needs are not being met and isolation is not the answer. My local school appears to ignore the fact that the child in my care is on the autism spectrum. Sure they have told me, and the team that he gets sensory things to help him through. IS that the same as an autism class or school? No way at all.
   These children are choking in a sense to get out of the building for play, to be in a room or rooms with many sensory objects, to have hands on working materials like skilled crafts to teach a life skill which is a very calming method. We had the education law center involved and a pro bono lawyer who finally dropped out as the school said, we cannot keep this child as he's a danger to himself and others. So now they want to home school him at five hours a week. But I have found a school, Soaring Heights which appears to really meet his needs. He is on the autism spectrum and yet the school is telling me, that school is for people with autism. What are they missing? He is perfect for this school and should he get in and not make it, then at least   everything will have been done,
         Now what is needed once again for children with behavioral problems is early vocational training.
There are so many things to teach children and it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg-Schools don't ever put football on the back burner do they? But they will put troubled kids on the back burner. So I say to all parents, call the Education Law Center, don't quit! You are all your child has.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Close Worldwide Borders for FIVE years !!!

       Let's work on cleaning up our own country, feeding and caring for our own children , elderly parents and vets, our health care and education system. That also means energy containment. Lets get back to square one. We have our own energy, so let's use it.

       Now today I saw and listened to Mandy Patinkin and he made a lot of sense. He stated things like lets invite people into our homes, show love as he did, but he really never went into more detail about how that came about. We would really invite a Muslim or Arabic, Syrian family into our homes knowing what we know now? Honestly, not sure. But I get Patinkin's point. He spoke about the Gaza strip and how to make it better. He said freedom, justice and integrity, meaning we, the US should give people what we have, education, housing, food and a quality of life. Then they won't want to harm us. Maybe, but why take it out on the US. Why not take their guns, bombs out on their own countries?
     Okay now here I am about this Fiance' visa's? Bull Crap loud and clear. That show 90 day fiance is also bull crap. It has to stop and stop yesterday. These people who are grabbing spouses from other countries are saying loud and clear-MY PEOPLE ARE NO GOOD-i HAVE TO GET A SPOUSE FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY!
     Okay, good, Fine, then you move to that country !!!

      Our borders need to close for five years along with international travel.  Sure other countries are beautiful, but so is ours. Ships get hi jacked trying to do good, planes are hi-jacked in normal travel, schools are bombed, shot up, businesses blown up, kids killed and yes, I know, I know, our own home grown idiots are doing it also which is more reason to contain Americans here for five years. Close all borders. Take care of mental health, improve the system and work on legal weapons. Give American jobs back, don't let Americans use overseas for greedy business and if so, AMERICANS do not buy. That product is not allowed here. If we're not good enough to make it then we're sure as hell not good enough to buy it.
    Let AMERICANs live peacefully and not in fear in their own, in our own, in my own Country. Now.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

"Legal" Arsenal of Guns

        This latest tragedy has given politicians reasons to get ahead, by USING, the terror spree.  The fact that the latest killers had a LEGAL amount of an ARSENAL of weapons is worrisome. I am all for being able to buy weapons to protect your self, hunt-and I don't like hunting- but not being able to buy the kinds of weapons these killers did buy legally.
     AK-47's? Bought Legally? Who needs that type of gun except terrorists, killers and now we have politician Ryan stating this is all about people who are mentally unstable. It isn't. He keeps saying we have mental health issues and sure thats a piece but many killers are perfectly sound knowing exactly what they are doing in the name of whatever. They are simply cowards.
         A person who loses their temper because of being fired will get less time because of a good lawyer saying they are temporaily insane. OKAY, so  they still have to pay for their crimes. That "snap" that caused soemone to "lose it" should not mean they don't pay for their crime just as much as anyone else because they can get out again, and "SNAP" again. Bring back the chair !

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Three piece Green Baby Set

    Hi Everyone, I have a nice choice of items on Etsy and making more each day. Hard to keep up with requests, well not really, just wishing it was. Hard to sit for a long time but I love what I make, enjoy knowing my work will last, is made in Pennsylvania, USA ! Here's hoing you decide to purchase from me. I will send things out in 1-3 business days which include Saturdays as teh  Post Office is open here until eleven. Thank you, Doozy
I have animal prints, polka dots, kids themes, fun themes, princess theme, star wars, bat man and hulk, Cars, motorcycles and more, just can't remember them all. I  buy when I have extra because I love materials. Now if I could just know how to sell, but all things turn out good enough in teh end. A last note. I made all my items triple stirched.
See, something for Everyone :)

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Christmas Plaid

Hello Everyone. I just made this and more can be seen on  . I am listed as
The cost is 8.98 and it' s made of a green lining of cotton and the plaid is a soft canvas, all triple stitched. I will be making more this week with other Christmas prints as well as other fun prints. Thanks for checking this out. Merry Christmas

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Me? In a ONSIE? Who knew...Those Two

        After a few hectic days I was invited to go to my daughters' and her boyfriends' home for Thanksgiving and stay over. Just going down there, the ride and the peace was wonderful but arriving, that was a whole new world. The welcomed feeling made me feel right at home. Wafting from the kitchen were smells of turkey, homemade stuffing and those strings beans, wow. Oh, don't let me forget the mashed potatoes ! I ate too much but not enough. I'm sure you understand that. A feeling of being satisfied hit me well before we sat down to eat. It was the atmosphere, the family, joking all around, talking about things you know only can be kept with family, a glass of wine and a dog. A very special dog name Virgil. He's an English Bulldog who is so lovable that I wouldn't care what I was wearing. I just enjoyed him, that face, the love he offers.
            Thanksgiving over all too soon, I knew another bite would not pass between my lips, but then my daughter brought in some mini cannoli's but made in tiny, tiny  pie shells like a with chocolate chips on top. Delicious, scrumptious! I wanted to savor and honestly took my time to taste and not just slide down my throat. The three of us sat down to relax watching a marathon of Blue Bloods. Soon after her boyfriend leaves, comes back downstairs with a onsie on, a star wars theme,or batman? It had a cape on it. This guys is not just smart and funny, but sweet and always himself. Then my daughter says, oh yeah mom, I have one for you too. Wrinkling my brow I think she has to be kidding! I know she would not mind a one piece anything to fit me. Oh Lord-she did. So there she was in her Princess Leia Onsie and mine was a Koala Bear, gray and white. Into the tiny bathroom, not meant for changing, I slipped jeans off and a onsie on. I bust out laughing before I even had it near me.
      Edging it on, up, buttoning buttons and putting the hood/hat on with ears attached, it fit !!! Oh CRAP! They weren't kidding and to top it off, I really had fun with it and didn't mind a few pictures even feeling comfortable. I have never liked picture taking, even as a kid. We sat down all three, relaxed in our onsie's. Oh it was so warm and comfy. I had a great time ! Great family, atmosphere and Virgil cuddling up at times. Couldn't have been better:) Thank you J&D...I love you both.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Staten Island MALL-No Christmas-SHOP Elsewhere

       The Staten Island Mall has removed Christmas, but says your children can get pictures take at Penny's, the lower level, out of sight! Screw that! No parade no inside tree, No Mention of CHRISTMAS? WHO owns the MALL anyway, the SYRIAN Government?
    There are many shops in Staten Island who love CHRISTMAS ! Private CRAFT makers welcome your AMERICAN money. Go to Nursing homes and see what these toy, wood workers make ! Get friends and family and more friends-MAKE your own Parade! Of course we also know, shop on line, saves stress, gas, waiting, driving and gives you more time with those who love you and you love back.
    So put on some tea, set up the shopping list next to your computer and go. Make sure you have hot chocolate and marshmallows for the kids.
     If you don't celebrate Christmas and you're Jewish, support your Christian neighbors. WE need to support our neighbors and friends, our family and those we don't know enough about, but who we need to know more about. Talk to your neighbors, bu hey You're NEW YORK, you know what to do. Wish I was back.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


       Why did it take the massacres in Paris to have out politicians suddenly talk gutsy? NOW Donald Trump doesn't sound so much like a big mouth. After OBAMA said ISIS is Contained, we know as we always did, except OBAMA of course that they are far from Contained. They are mad males who call themselves men and females don't forget. These people disguise themselves in burka's ! Not all, I know, but how do wee as REAL honest and good people, citizens know who is behind the mask of a religious disguise, a burka? Men can stand under the burka, disguised as women they don't have any use for.

   So now we have THE United States Politicians talking tough! Why Now. All the talk from the candidates saying Trump is a big Mouth. He should be, someone should be. I have a  family member who told me, that's all we need,  some crazy guy in the white house-well to me, better than, much better than and a real man for AMERICA, not hiding behind his religion protecting those who bring harm to citizens. Go Fuck yourselves you phony Politicians!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Donald Trump is ROCKY

      I know, blah, blah blah. But I don't care. Personally I am sick of seeing men and women who debate as if they are working in an office. They shouldn't have to be pushed over the edge to show passion for AMERICA. Donald Trump brought that and he didn't need a push !
     I may be too old now to benefit from a new GREAT President, but our children and grandchildren and great grand children are not. People who don't like Trump call him a loose cannon. Are they nuts? Do they really think he'll just blow up countries without thinking? You forget, he has children and has a very young son too.
           He has as much love for his family as the rest of us do and that's why he won't be  a loose cannon, but he will be on fire to make change and make change happen is less that four years. I won't even get into this president except to say, if you are black, don't worry about claiming him-he is bi-racial. So if Ben gets in then you have someone to be proud of, really proud.
     We have many people in America who would be better than the majority of candidates present, but not many want that job. So let's give credit to those who are running-except Hillary. She's a crook, liar and was involved in land deals resulting in the death of a man named Foster, look it up. Did she or Billy boy take care of his family? Enough said.

       Donald Trump will be the first President to resemble ROCKY and who ever didn't like that movie-Move to Russia, China or Japan.

Christie, Trump, Fireballs

           America who are you looking for in a new, Thank God, New President. Like most politicians they tell us what they think we want to hear. Two are not politicians as we know it and that's Trump and Carson. I can't give specifics as I don't have that kind of mind that absorbs everything political.
        I do know, I don't want Hillary. She is a liar. Look at the most recent Benghazi but her horrible history goes way back with Billy boy and please look at their land deals and their so called friend who was killed, Mr. Foster, not suicide. They only  look out for number one and that's where it ends.

      Let's look a little at Trump. He doesn't have to be involved at all. Financially he can do anything so why put himself out there to be ridiculed? Because he has faith in himself and true Americans that we can be great again.  Everyone brings up immigration because they want the Latino and black vote, yet we have Trump who tells us he will stop ILLEGAL immigration. ILLEGAL people. ILLEGALS who are taking away our jobs, education, social security, taxes which they all get. That's fair?
          But it isn't that simple. He knows it to. Trump needs people in his cabinet that will help him change the country. I think his ego is a huge part of this, but maybe that's good. He has something to prove.
    Now Christie-I would love to see him debate Hillary. He was a prosecutor and he knows her history and he knows what she is, yes I said what she is. I think these two men are the top choices.They have fight. They want to roll their sleeves up, literally and work !

    People take this year, examine these runners, listen and listen more. Vote with you brain. Don't vote the women vote, Latino vote one way or another, black vote one way or another Asian vote one way or another or any vote that has to do with race, culture or religion.
Vote this:

  •    Jobs-keep them in America-Fine those who take them out of America
  •    Health care-you should not be fined because you can't afford it or have to go on welfare-what kind of choice is that?
  •    Education
  •    Social security
  •    Housing
  •    Tax reform
  •    Illegal Immigration

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Best Western 40% off over 62? AARP, go after them in Brooklyn

       Today I called Best Western and asked for a reservation for this Saturday, the 7th of November at the discount, and was told, no rooms available. I needed two beds. I told Josh who I spoke with that my screen shows two beds available. He let me know he could only give the rate available, that they only hold a certain amount of rooms for the 40% senior discount.
    So I then went to December, the 28th-now he says, I can give you 20% off, not the 40%. Why? They don't have it at this hotel, not what he told me the first time. Then he said again, they only keep a certain amount of rooms for that discount so none available. He did say he could give me that discount at another (less desirable location ) my words, not his. I know the area.
   Then I went to Feb, my birthday and now he says I can give that to you for 155. and change plus tax-PRE_PAID ! What BULL sh-- is that ??? Come on AARP, get on them, This is unfair business practices.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

CVS Baltimore Pike, Lowballing CVS

       Yesterday, Saturday, I stopped in at CVS with a child. This was a long trip that we take once or twice a month, located on Baltimore Pike in PA. Usually we stop there, but a few snacks, a drink and go. The little guy I had with me was due a reward for something and I promised him 40. to spend. I also needed a certain soap, perfume, a few snacks and we were about to purchase items but I noticed he wanted cars which were LISTED as only one Price, 5.99. These cars were nice and I bought them many times for other kids. This little boy is sitting on the floor going through his choices and then pick up a larger station wagon, and a bigger truck or car.
        I told him, "I think they must cost more but the sign does say 5.99" I should have, I should have called the manager, but we had a meeting time and now these bigger toys did not have a price on them, just the sku code. Again I thought, well if they were more they would put two prices up and or at least price the different priced toys what they actually were.
     The boy is now all excited to get these toys, keeping him occupied and wanted to show off at the appointment. We get to tehecounter and the man tells us, these are a different price-NOW GET THIS-first he says a different price- then I ask but how much of a different price-he tells me, I don't know but I know they're not 5.99-I ask again, well what do they cost, Now he says they have to be 9.99.... at that point I was done. They have to be...?
          This guy at noon time was guessing and at the cost of a little boys emotions. I didn't yet grab the perfume which you would need to get a clerk to open the case, but I did have more, all adding up to a little over fifttydollars. That way of pricing is called low-balling, the same as auto dealers do= unfair pricing/marketing. They hope a child whines, complains, cries so a mom or dad etc. gives in and buys the toy. My child is old enough to know that won't help. I put, left everything on the counter and told him, we don't buy from people who do this kind of pricing, let it be known out loud it was low balling. No don't give me crap and say it was a mistake. NONE of the larger cars were priced any different. There was one priced tag on top of the case in yellow and black 5.99.... We were cheated ! He, a child was cheated !

Friday, October 23, 2015

Clinton laughs at Monica and BIll

       Well guess her fans thought she was old woman funny laughing about Benghazi today. I wonder how much she laughed at Bill and Monica?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

This Home ! Reduced to 17,000-hunters, Tis The Season

       You name it, this is the place ! A few months ago I went on a wild ride heading north. My family and friends are spread out all over and by a happy mistake I ended up getting off in Wurtsboro New York. What a fantastic town and I was there once before, also on a whim to see my friend. She wasn't home, but I did get to see the unexpected. An amazing town, an unexpected place up state New York about two hours from the city. You can work in the city and live Country! 19,900-just reduced, motivated seller. There is also anice shed on the property. I think she'll sell for less-seriously
       There were of course mountains, greenery, a small airport, friendly community people and wonderful shops tucked away by community owners, a great place to have your own business. If I knew years ago what I saw then, I would have bought a home there. A great opportunity for family owned businesses. I saw festivals, fishermen stocking up at one shop, a so kool coffee shop, blazing fresh fruit stands and most of all I felt it. I felt the area, not as an unexpected stranger but one who belonged. I stood there thinking, but I just bought my own house.
      Well now my friend, due to health reasons has to move to a warmer climate,  and is motivated as people say to sell her mobile home. So that last trip where I got lost and ended up in Wurtsboro turned out to be a great visit with an old Brooklyn friend. Then I say to Bette, now I have a place to visit upstate. My face fell a she told me she was moving, has to move for health reasons, so everyone, I am helping her pass along a great home.

      I was very pleasantly surprised as I found her home in Blue Sky Manor, MH Village. What a anme BLUE SKY MANOR !
     So ladies and gentlemen This is really a very sweet deal, not because she's my friend, but because I remember arriving at a corner lot, seeing her outside, watering flowers  and standing in front of  a yellow with white trim home. How welcoming it was. Inside I was more surprised at I see a 14x70 home wider than the numbers-it has a tip out! She uses it as an office. There are awnings, a patio and even a back deck. I also noticed a very important thing we all want, a new roof, a new metal roof. There is also a new boiler and new skirt. It has two bedrooms, one and a half baths, great for company.
     Bette, my friend has  a nice full dining room and a sit down kitchen area, added a new kitchen floor. I really enjoyed the relaxed feel as I watched her make soup for my  little guy who I had along. Oh did I forget, it comes with a washer and dryer ! Yes, I know, how much is what you're waiting for, 19,900-there is a lot fee of 500. a month and I do know financing is available if needed, but I don't know the specifics of that piece. This is a 1983 Holiday Custom home and it is a home. Don't let the year deter you, it's awesome and you can always make an offer. This place, this BLUE SKY MANOR mobile home park is not like a few others I've seen. It has charm and a feeling of , this is where I belong. Driving in, you do feel as if you already live here.
    When I visited Bette, a lady across the way was that just right neighbor, waved hello, how are ya, see ya later. I know. Wish some of my neighbors were like that :) This area is more than just another park. The homes are arranged so it's more like it was personality built. So Hunters, Retirees, Gardeners pack up all your cares and woe...Go to Wurtsboro. You'll enjoy the peace. Quiet? That's up to you :) P.S.-You can also use it as a vacation rental/investment property ! This is not just for seniors if it appears that way, all families welcome. Fresh Air is alive in Wurtsboro.
           By the way, it has a very nice shed, 12 x 12-we all know how important sheds are.
To look up anything more specific and how to contact:
Go to MH Village BLue Sky Manor
    Thanks and hey, I can always visit you...

Friday, September 4, 2015

Waitresses & Dr.Office Ladies , Annoying

       Okay, not all, but I am so fed up with waitresses and doctor office ladies who address women as if they are children. Even when talking to children, cut out that high pitched baby crap voice. Hi! and how are you today with this awful annoying high voice. Then a man comes in and she talks in a regular voice. I have seen it over and over again in restaurants and in my own doctors office as well as in an office when I went with a friend. Do they think women are babies and don't understand?
     Did someone tell these ladies to talk to other females and children like they are all morons? Why are men shown the respect on those places. Last week in my doctors office, a guy was ahead of me and the nurse comes out, calls him by name in a regular voice. Then the same nurse comes back with this freakin' whiny high pitched voice! All I thought was, let me shut her up!
    Ladies take heed. You sound like IDIOTS! BY acting that way you are also showing men we as women , well you as women are telling men they deserve better and more respectful conversation. Stop talking to the younger kids like they're two years old-all you do is help keep them in a place of babyhood. You are supposed to be smarter.
     Waitresses, when you talk to me like that, it affects your tip. You are demeaning not only me, but yourself. When a waiter talks to me, he doesn't change his voice, so why do you as waitresses? That's as bad as women who lower their voices, called Vocal fry-look it up-to make themselves sound smarter. IT doesn't-you are freaking annoying ! Not smarter, but make me want to run, roll my eyes and say OH GOD, who does she think she's fooling?
   Wake up women!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

More than Gun Control, McVeigh, Jim Jones, Terrorists, Illegals

        Every time we have a murder by gun, people want gun control. Where were they before they were personally touched by this? I know, this sounds cold, but the fact is, this is more than lack of gun control. Our American citizens die by illegal guns, joining cults, Illegal drugs, legal drugs, alcohol, terrorists and now of course and as usual Politicians jump on this and as I saw Hillary Clinton reading from a speech prepared, looking at it sideways, thinking we are stupid and can't tell she is reading off a paper. That's not from the heart !
    Look at our penal system, our whole way of life has to change. We have things that have been happening over and over for years only now it's worse because the population has grown. Our mental health system is only okay. Everyone appears to do what they can. Our education system is failing, yet maybe they too are doing as well as they can with what they have.
    How many of our own citizens have bombed our own citizens and look at the Jim Jones Massacre and that guy, forgot his name who also had a cult school, blew them all up, then the uni bomber and we have crazies out there molesting our kids, people in trust positions. We are living in a sick and crime filled nation and crooked politicians do not care. They have had enough time to show they do, and they haven't shown anything except how to fill their pockets, get more entitlements for themselves and spouses and screw the public.
     Kids want to go to college to better themselves but get out owing many, many thousands of dollars in student loans and in debt with credit cards because the new students books are filled with applications for  , a new credit card. Then they get/receive too much in loans and grants. Kids are kids and all that extra money looks good. IT can be controlled but no, banks and colleges work to get students into debt.
     The next big topic will be whatever tragedy happens and hits the news. When a bunch of boys rape a college girl, that will be the next biggest thing, a group of kids commit suicide by layng on a train track, that's new until, kids are molested at a day care, and then again, drugs will be the next politicians topic of the day.
     So what do we do and how do we fix things? Be really careful in who you vote for and why. As parents, keep your kids close to you as much as possible, and don't chastise them when they open up about awful things they've done, because you've done it too probably, but let it become a way to help. Things always start at home. Know as much as you can who the friends are, what they're like. Learn about Mental Illness, and learn some more. Let friends come over, have snacks, supper, let them gather in the living room, and you just pop in and out. Always let them know you only love, love, love them and will help, help and help some more. Go to them once in a while, ask for their thoughts, make them important too. join a gym together, take art, swim, knit, men and ladies, ask for math help and love them again.
 Well that's good enough for now. Get a good nights sleep.

Dalmation pic ! 2 Pets bags, Small

    Okay, it's my browser, which is why I couldn't load photos, so now one more. The above red zippered bag is 7.50, has a handle, and the one coming up is 5.00, Those cute firehouse dogs

Dalmations, White and RED

   Hi everyone, For some crazy reason I can't load any photos into this blog, maybe my browser, going to try another way. In teh meantime, I just posted two new bags, one looks like a clutch and one looks like a shaving kit type bag, both zippers and pet cute. Thank you :) 

Red Zippered Wrsitlet

     Please check out my items, fair and reasonable. The Red Heart bag is lined and closes with a nice zipper.

Meter Tickets & Towing, Anywhere, Anytime

       Hey People! The holiday weekend is upon us and those meter maids and tow trucks will be out in full force as well as the police. If you break the law you deserve it! I know we all either foreget to put money in the meter as time is up, but don't gripe when you get ticket. While they enjoy it we don't, but it's our own fault for not being on top of watching the time.
     On the show in Philly, Parking Wars shows one woman, meter maid, said she had a quota to meet of 30 tickets a day and was bothered she only handed out 29! She said that was her personal goal. NOW that statement alones shows how much some of those meter maids enjoy ticketing. Hey it keeps them working. Booting is another story. More than THREE outstanding tickets will get your car booted and its not worth it-PAY IT! Don't let fines and fees add up. PAY IT!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dear Mr. Trump

        I hope you are sincere about running. From day one I thought this was to wake up America which you did, get people excited which you did and trip people up, which you did. Look now at how those who are your opponents are finally showing some guts, not a lot but some. That southern guy now wants to bash your brains in? That's a joke. People are worried about you. They think as I have been told, that you are crazy and will get the United States in big trouble. Are they kidding ? We're already in big trouble!
    Listening to Glen Beck who I never listen to, well he made sense about our money and I finally understood things. Neither am I political, smart enough to have a political argument  but I know that there are many who would love to argue things with me because they do know I can't answer most questions, so my two answers are this: Look at who is running the white house, an almost all Muslin team-and-vote for an individual, not the party.
      I have watched liars in government when I worked in Mental Health, former Gov. Rendell who promised to better MH systems, only to get elected and close down hospitals and have thousands of mentally ill people walk the streets. Greed is the cost of our AMERICAN Failures-in my opinion, GREED!
   I know you know we need so many things changed and every person is not looking at the larger picture but at what will affect them, their children and grandchildren, not the US as a whole. MY son voted for Obama, gave me issues he fought for-I know nothing, can't fight/argue with him as he is intelligent, but would love to hear him with someone his equal. His main issue is Obama care, that because a friend was deeply helped by it, Thar's good enough. I get that passion and would probably feel the same, but now I know better.
    After receiving an e mail about Obama's team, I know this White House that belongs to the AMERICAN people has been tainted by those who walk along side Obama.
   A side note-Hollywood complains about you being a billionaire (Access Hollywood) saying you are buying the Presidency-how stupid was that statement? Did that female forget all of the millions & more Hollywood pours in liberal Democrats to get into office? I guess her hair is so saturated with spray she can't think straight.
To be fair, men feel the same way in Hollywood, Toupee's too tight!
      BY the way, I am the same person who tweeted and blogged about money of yours on the unclaimed property site. A last note, would love a big discount for a two night stay for a friend of mine in Brooklyn who drives a van for special needs kids, but very down on her luck. She should have been able to retire five years ago.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Chaka Fattah & Foster Child

       Some years ago, I was allowed to take a foster child, a male to meet, and visit with rep. Chaka Fattah. Yes, I did see the headlines today on line and so it brought back the visit to his office. I wanted this little boy who is African American to see where his life could go, should he do right, take the education that is out there and maybe one day he too could be in politics. Here's what happened.
   We started off getting a fancy haircut with CF initials cut into his hairline, bought  nice slacks and dress shoes and a dress shirt. It was summertime and we just couldn't find a suit. This kid looked sharp and he was very shy when it came to speaking.
    Well we started off to Washington, excited to meet a representative. I explained what I thought that position was. Close to his office I get a call that the congressman is running late and could we arrive a little later. Sure that was fine. Traffic wasn't moving well anyway and I needed to learn where I was going and where to park.
     Finally, we go to the meeting and are greeted by his assistant, a very pretty woman, terrific personality and his whole office is very welcoming. My little guy who was twelve at the time, just smiled and nodded. This kid also loved football. Mr. Fattah had a football on a credenza that he received form a man in Philly who played on the team one year, think his name was Napolitano? That became a topic of interest between the congressman and the child who sat across from the desk of this well dressed man. Fattah's assistant sat to his right on a sofa taking notes.
    During some talk, the child was asked if he had siblings and yes, he had many,, also in foster care spread out all over . We talked about Education and Mr. Fattah promised the child he would give 100,000. out his his own pocket for his education, if he stayed in school and didn't get in any more trouble. He was asked his birthday, favorite color, football team and a few more questions. His assistant said she would send him a jersey for his birthday.
    Back to family. At that time the congressman called out a young lady who was working on a project that the congressman said was important to him, that siblings see each other more, as my child rarely saw his siblings. Then out comes the secretary with a few questions and mentioning a camera and how my little guys story would be front page for the topic that office was working on. STOP!
    I said nope, sorry. Since he is with children and youth that can't happen. Children who are in care and under the guardianship of C&Y cannot have picture taken in public and stories like they wanted, written up.
Well they all said they understood, asked if we wanted to go to lunch and told us where to go in the building. Heck, I thought at least we'd be treated to lunch, not one dime, coupon or reserved space.
    Aft re lunch we went back to the office and talked a little more but now it was about football, that football, how Fattah got it, all shook hands and said good-bye.
     Tome passes and the child had to leave my care but I stayed in touch with him and found out he never received anything from that office, not even a card for his birthday. I e mailed the secretary, told her how I felt, the promises made about ajersey, questions asked about his birthday and no wonder kids don't trust adults. This is a man he can look up to? These were people to respect? She promised she would send him something if I didn't say anything. I agreed. As a foster mom, life went on, more kids and one day I had a chance to visit that little guy and asked him if he ever got a jersey. No, he said, I got a pen and pad. Nice.
   I have to add, I am still thankful that kid did a meet up with Fattah, as chnaces are he won't see anything negative to dismiss anything positive. That kid no works a lot of hours, plays hard, works hard, so who knows where life will take him? Maybe a pro player, kind of what we have in congress now.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

M. Kelly, H. STERN & her Breasts , Billy Clinton

       All of you whom are upset at Donald Trump for saying what he said and not what you all insinuated he meant, which is a world apart, why don't you read M. Kellys' interview with HOWARD STERN from 2010?
       I like Kelly as an anchor but as someone to interview presidential candidates? She can't compare at all to others ahead of her. In her interview with Stern she answers about what her husband thinks about her breasts, he thinks their killer bees, she joked. and went onto to answer about her husbands penis. She was mad, angry, upset or harmed in any way. Kelly knew exactly what going on/ Stern means, but then we have Donald Trumps response to how she behaved with her questions about his personal life.
    This amazes me. People weren't this angry when Billy Clinton used the white house, our white house as a  place to get a blow job! Priorities? Political sides? What's wrong with this scenario? It's okay about Billy boy, its okay with Stern, but it isn't okay when Trump actually only said something that OTHERS interpreted!
      People, you should decide what offends you, who offends you and be honest about it. If you werent offended about billy boy and oral sex  at the whte house with an intern, and you're not offended that an intelligent news anchor would even entertain the thought of going on Stern, then cut the crap, stop looking for fake excuses about Trump.
    BY the way, has anyone thought maybe Donald Trump doesn't even want the white house, but wants' to wake up AMERICA, and now, now look at what you're waking up to, Kelly. Everyone is finally starting to show emotion and that is thanks to Mr. Trump.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Erick Erickson, OINK YOU.. DEviant who?

      Trump is right again. Only someone with their mind on a females privates, monthly, period would think that is what he meant. Even if that is just what he meant that isn't what he said. So now you are mind readers. Take responsibility for your own thoughts and don't make them someone elses'. now Erick Erickson, you? uninvited TRUMP-You are just looking for some popularity for a particular group, Transgender, Gay, Obese, Woman's alliance ? I don't know what, but it is possible you may run for something in the future, so if you want to run-get in shape because it seems all that you can move is your mouth.
     Now why isn't this party sticking together and saying either nothing or what the reality is, he didn't mean what people like Erick is trans ferring. He meant only what he said, yet people enjoy  twisting hings and the Demo s love it-the LIBERAL's love it! The liberals, like OBama who is part of the biggest problems this country has ever had along with congress, Hillary and billy boy got us in to.
   An added note, although I mention the above groups, I don't have anything against any of those groups, only if Erickson was part of one which would hurt them immensely.
    Has anyone, any feeble minded person ever thought, maybe, just maybe Donald Trump is trying to get people excited? Instead you attack. Finally you are angry, but at what, at who? Not this F'd up government, but Trump, a dentist who killed lion, and causes that yes, we need to be mindful of, but for GODS SAKE, get off your asses and get this lousy congress out with that guy in the white house and BUILD AMERICA up AGAIN!!!

News Anchors reading too much into Trump

     I just read what Trump said to Meghan Kelly or about her bleeding out of everywhere? So it is the people who decide to make it hormonal. He said what he said and that's it. People are putting their own spin on a meaning he may not have meant, so who has the mind of saying he meant it hormonally ? I know he has a mouth and Thank GOD he does, but anchors need to stop twisting the meanings as well as his own party and  of course the opposition. Why not ask Trump exactly what he meant instead of adding your own version? Now I am sure people will take this as I am siding with Trump-no I am on the side of correctness, not PC , ie. the truth. I prefer either him or Ben Carson, or Christie, or....

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Trumps ' First Day in the White House

First Day With Donald

Greetings my American team
we'll rebuild it strong, re-build it mean
bring back the forces armed and strong
always right, no more wrong.

Give back American jobs to all
no more selling over the Chinese wall
The national debt will come back down
because our America is now uptown

We'll learn from the past, far and wide
salute out flag with American Pride
say our prayers where ever we want
and not bow down to those who don't.

We'll stop selling out to the other sides
Raised in America, American Pride
American tags on our clothes
stand up now, young and old

Take back America, no longer fear
terrorists taking over, America will cheer
like Popeye the sailor, he is who he is
and will always fight for American biz.

IN closing I say Hollywood libs
need to join the offices of political biz
instead of collecting big fat checks
for doing little except in a dress.

Oh one more thing I've just heard
Donald was called a bully by Coopers herd
but don't you know or don't you see
 countries have bullied 9/11, on our knees

My final closing I have to say
I wish Donald or Ben will win that day
we need some crazy and power to boot
or lose our country , China pollute.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Having a Grouchy day? Do this...

          Tell everyone and anyone to keep the .................away from you, no noise, no kids, no adults who think they mean well. What is it that people don't understand English? I know their not immigrants, so what is it when someone has to keep pestering you. You want to scream get the F--- away from me, what is it you don't understand about "leave me alone". Do these asses think they'll be getting on your good side? No ya dummy, ya making it worse. I don't care who it is unless it's a kid too young to take care of them selves. In that case set up a bunch of safe play things in a room close by or in front of you and let them play. You can half nap or just do what you need to do without all of those over eight bothering you. The adults are worse.
    With them it's, well can I get you anything? Do you need a doctor, how about coffee? Maybe I can make something to eat. Maybe I'm think you can make yourself disappear! So listen when someone says, I just want to be left alone !

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Obama, Holder, White male Gunned down by 3 Black bored teens

      Another story of kids who were bored and intended to hold up someone, rather than play basketball.
A white male who usually walks his dog with his 13 year old daughter decided to take the dog out and let his daughter stay home. As the three bored black teens approached him, they shot him one in the leg. He put his hands up, asked not to shoot him again. They did, He died. Police have two in custody a 14 year old whose name won't be released and fifteen year old Brandon Smith. TYFINE HAmilton is still at large. As far as protecting a 14 year old who is with those same type of kids? Why is his name being held? He was there. So tired of protecting kids who commit these crimes and getting off because they are kids. THEY FREAKING KNOW right from wrong !!!

    The man who died? His name is  James Patrick Stuhlman. So Obama and buddy Eric Holder, where are you now, again. Maybe you two and your cronies, all of them, from Hillary Clinton, buddy boy Billy and congress would serve Kenya better because we, the United States of America DO NOT !

 Soon, not soon enough, we will have a real American president who will stand up for everyone, race creed and religion! Now, Obama, why don't you just go out the back door, the way you came in and go home.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Doozybags, see pics here    I have a variety of bags, a childs  3 piece set and am making, continue to make more varieties to fit individual taste. Thank you for help me supplement my retirement. Walkers bags too. A yellow dotted wine bag also.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

D. Trump, U & NY unclaimed property

     Mr. Trump, On face book I let you know you have money at NY's unclaimed property site. Years ago I mailed to your corporation and hotel as I did with Regis and Maury Povich. I gave Regis Phibin a list of people, well known who have money on the New York Unclaimed property site. I wish I could find money for me because God knows I gave a financial planner five thousand years ago and it just disappeared. When I called to ask what happened to it-the man said, that's what happens-I think I still have the canceled checks. My point is no matter how much or how little you have, get it! The state should not keep your money!

     Now everyone else, check out NAUPA or go to the Unclaimed Property site in your state. A fee is not charged so if you get to a place where you're are instructed there is a fee, you're at the wrong site. This is money from old addresses, deposits, heirs, utility deposits, an inheritance and more.
                                   It will Usually say  Good Luck everyone !

Monday, July 20, 2015

Trump Does NOT want the Presidency !

        Do you think a man as intelligent as Donald Trump is, would say what he is saying, especially about McCain? He knows exactly what he is doing. Keep things a stirrin' while there going, was said many years ago by Ms. S. Truth and it's as true today as it was then. He wants to stir the pot and knows how to do it. Sure he's a loud mouth, but good one. He is making people take a look at reality and what's going on in the world and he is also stirring up Ben Carson a little bit. Ben Carson, my favorite is now showing more emotion, and that's what voters want to see. With everything he is saying, other contenders show their side, what they do and don't believe and how they attack-unlike Ben Carson. That man has class, intelligence, moral character and all who we need in a President.
      Trump shows passion, is not politically correct which I love but crosses the line which I also love because it's waking AMERICA UP !!! I don't believe TRUMP really wants to be President even at what hes' lost. He doesn't care about those losses. He's so rich he can do anything. He knows too, that if he can offend enough of the right peolpe, he won't get the votes so he will go back to the life he's used to, and have accomplished his goal! Good going Trump ! Trump should join S.A.G.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


                 Well I won't be staying there again. It is-was a great hotel and I loved my visits there with my daughter and niece, but from now on, I want to know who owns the New York City Hotels. Better yet, maybe I'll stay away anyway as China is buying up so much New York property, they might as well hang out there own flag. Let's see who will take that down !!!
     Obama won't stay there because his protectors feel there may be bugs because the Chinese own it. Are they nuts? Don't they know yet if people want to bug a hotel room they will and can and no one will stop them? They photos shown on TV make it look as if Obama is staying at Trumps hotel by the Park, now that's classy. They can both talk about Hillary.
   I just have to add this;It's too bad all of these brilliant men and women and many they are, can't
 figure a way to take care of the national debt, ISIS, Hillary, crooked politicians, dope, illegal immigrants and anything else that comes up, but no, they would rather feed their own egos and attack each other. Now imagine that happening in China, or at The Waldorf Astoria?

Thursday, July 9, 2015

TRUMP vs. Cosby ? U R WRONG!

       What the hell is wrong with this country ? Donald Trump makes a statement that even I believe he could have, should have worded differently, HOWEVER, look at the Liberal, Democrats reaction. This was not what is called intelligent responses, but knee jerk reactions. So he is not allowed to be honest without severe penalties? What kind of a president are you morons looking for? Do you want someone in office, who continually lies, steals, is/was involved, had knowledge of, a murder, land deals gone wrong, a husband who had oral sex, disgracing the office of the white house and will continue to do the same? IS that really what you want?
    OR maybe you'd rather have  BILL Cosby, amazing both him and Clinton are BILLS ! Okay now serious. Look at the poor women who were called liars, wanted fifteen minutes of fame, said they had their own agenda and people just didn't want to believe this rapist because he used to be a celebrity. YET He is hired back into clubs, people stand and cheer, and HE"S PAID!  Wrong America, WRONG !
    Is isn't that I am for or against TRUMP. I love Ben Carson, Judge Pirro and there are a few others out there who would make GREAT Presidents. What is it you people, yes YOU PEOPLE want? China is buying real estate all over the United States of AMERICA. Cuba is now open. Just wait!
    Remember that phrase, you made your bed, now lie in it?
I am not a hard nose type person, have worked in mental health, worked with kids, people of all ages, income and cultures. It's time for someone to say, I will make a change and do it for the GOOD of the United States. For GOD Sake, wake up AMERICA!
   Recently in Brooklyn NY a mosque on 5th ave and 69th had their people praying outside on the sidewalk, blocking the whole side which happened last year on Broadway-no permits, yet people were afraid, even the police to tell them: YOU cannot block the sidewalk, you have to have a permit ! Society is so afraid that if right now a terrorist was running for office you would vote for him or her. You're asleep AMERICA! 
    Picture this: America is a garden, a beautiful garden with clear rows, clear sections, growth is green, tall, high, prosperous and someone comes along and sprays a pesticide on it, killing all that was good.
    This is what's happening in America-Have you lost your passion America? If you have you might as well wave a white flag...and move to China.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Horsham Clinic, PA. Be Careful !!!

      Not too long ago, I had a child at this "place". Talking with his "counselor" by phone seemed okay enough but when I was coming to take him home, no answer, none at all. In the lobby which I rang a bell into, no one came out to greet me. Finally a janitorial person said I had to knock on a window. There was a group of office windows which you could not tell was an office. It was filled and i mean filled with purple and green papers inside taped to the glass. Outside the glass were many papers with notices. The whole thing looked like a bulletin.
    So once through the paper, seeing a note, knock on window, I did. A woman, very impersonal, said, yes? I told her I'm here to pick up--------. She closed the window. I wish I was more nervy. I should have banged on the window and said excuse me, do you speak? Can you tell me the next step-is he coming out?
Nope, I just waited, and waited and waited. I watched as  group of teens come out with a staff and as the doors were closing I hear someone screaming, and I do mean screaming at the top of her lungs. I thought a kid was having a meltdown. nah, silly me. It was a staff person. Some kid walked out with the group and this was a staff person screaming bloody murder.
    The teen kept walking, now half backwards saying, I',m sorry miss, I'm sorry, looking to me like she was going anyway. After four I'm sorry's, she walked back in. Another ten minutes pass and a woman comes out with my child who is tossing a pair of shorts in the air. I ask where are his clothes. She says she doesn't know and I say I am not leaving without your clothes, go find them. The woman tell me FIRST, he doesn't know, he's always saying I don't know. Yes I know he does that, but I keep on him as he just doesn't want to do what he needs to do. With children with mental health disabilities it is up to the ADULTS, the people in CHARGE to make sure things are done. Then she tells me he takes clothes in and come out wearing a hospital gown. Okay so now she admits he has clothes. They were brand new!
     She is showing me discharge papers which were unreadable, maybe her copy was, but the yellow sheets for me weren't. I am given a script. Prior to release I asked his counselor Courtney if he is on the same meds, was there a med change. She said no med changes. According to the discourage papers after an agency person looked at them, there was definitely a med change. So we decided to call the hospital to contact the doctor. He is on vacation. The agency guy finally after many tries contacts Courtney who now is saying, there was med a change. Does anyone know what is being done there?
      Now back to the clothes issue. The woman who brought the child to me, goes back into the double doors, and I'm sure to discuss how to handle this. She opens the FRIENDLY window and shows me a blank form. IMAGINE a BLANK Form. I bet they have a million of them and I tell her anyone can show a blank form. My little guy said Gary took his clothes, the ambulance driver gave them to him and he did sign a paper. It was about nine at night when he arrived, having been at crisis since ten that morning and they wanted info from him. So now the woman is saying the clothes not only never came in, but the child has problems and he can't tell what he did, when etc. So they know they have  a child, not an older kid who would let them mess with his belongings, but a child who has severe problems and just let him be. He was wearing someone elses underwear, hospital footie's, some one eses tee shirt, his own outside shorts.
     A different janitor tell me, they don't care, they takes kids clothes and just throw them in a closet all the time. Finally an honest answer, not blaming a child with mental health issues.
     In closing I just received a notice about his file...This so called hospital lists him as having alcohol issues, but the way they worded it, in disease technical terms, he wouldn't even  be alive if that was true !!!
What are they doing to the children they have. Check your kids files. Sign papers, send clothes in you don't care about because they won't come home. Get copies made, ask to see files before the child is released!!!

J. McPhail, N.Y. Unclaimed Property-Claim it!

         This is mainly for a cousin Jackie McPhail who lived in Brooklyn New York and Mississippi . Your dad has about three accounts on the NY unclaimed property site. Maybe four. It shows different addresses but all I know he did live at. You have to have his death certificate and be the executor of the estate which I know is you. I hope you are well Jackie and life is good for you. If you respond at all, can you tell me how Fannie Lou is? I know she joined a convent and I spoke to Danny years ago, so he's okay, always wondered about you all. Nancy

Best Western Gregory- FEES, Your MONEY

            Recently I stayed at the Best Western hotel In Brooklyn New York. A couple of weeks prior I also stayed there. The first time it was to be for one night and I gave a credit card, the same one I reserved it for as payment. So the desk clerk said, okay I got it, didn't need to give it again. Late in teh evening I called down said I;d like to stay another night, how much is it. I was told teh same as I am paying. Sunday nights the rates are usually less so I went on line to check and found out yes it definitley was less, by ten dollars.
     I take some time, go donw to teh desk and aftre speaking with ayoung lady she tells me she can give it to me for 165.-okay, now I'm staying another night.
     NOW the problem starts when I check out, but didn't know until I get home and check my bank and receipt. I have alway trusted fees, never looked at receipts but boy I SURE DO NOW !  It took too mant times to get things removed. What teh hotel decided to do was NOT charge teh card I gave for teh first night and put all charges on another card of mine. THEY DECIDED!
     When I gave another card for the second night I said to the clerk, this is for the sceond night, I already paid the first night with my other card. She just smiled and said, yeah, yeah, okay I got it, in a nice way. At that time my glasses were broke and I couldn't have read the receipt anyway. I had a good reason to pay how I wanted to pay, not what teh hotel decided to do and deceptive at that. They charged me safe fees. I never have used the hotel safe ! The hotel doesn't even ask, nor do they tell you that they charged those fees. HOW Many people have paid safe fees over the years and not used the safe?
      NOw this last visit on checking in I tell the nice male clerk that please no safe fees, I don't use the safe, he said yeah okay, "they" took that off. LIE !  I give him my card which has a 300. limit as I am afraid after the last time , charges/over charges. He tells me, it won't go through. I say, I have a zero balance. He tells me, Don't you have another card? ( first time)-why so I can be charged up the wazoo and have to wait days to have things removed-I say no. he asks again, in another way, you don't have another card? again, second time-NO-what didn't he get the first time I said no? Then I walk away card the credit card company, bring it to the clerk and he hears zero balance and 300. card limit. The guy shrugs his shoulders and I hang up asking can I pay for the first night. He tells me no the card won't go through and for a third time, you don't have another card? AGAIN, no!  So I pay the first night in cash. I go out that night to dinner, pay with my 200. card an 80. dinner for myself and guests. Now I am planning this because of how rude it was checking in and this guy telling me he didn't know why my card wasn't going through. HE damn well did,  BUT decided not to tell me when I asked=LIE!
      At the end of the night in my room I call the credit card company and thank GOD she was someone who was patient, explaining so much. She said this hotel clerk tried to put a charge of 775.00 on it. At the most my bill would have been 212. a night which was I paid in cash, including the safe fee that I was lied to about. Then he tried to charge 700.00 and again he tried 500. !!! BUT he didn't know why? Bull crap! Lie and deceit, HE knew he was trying to charge all those fees/amounts but refused to have the human decency to tell me, refused to take my card as a one night payment.
    So now I knew, checking out they would have to accept it as with the credit card company they put an alert on it the hotel count charge over 212.00  Hotels that put extra charges on your card are using your money, getting interest on it, taking away any interest you might be getting on it. Safe fee was credited back as I looked this time at the desk.
             I was to stay three nights, but canceled in plenty of time the third night as my child had school Monday. I am so disappointed with this hotel as I have been going there for many, many years. I spent a good part of July 4th looking at other hotels, airbnb which has some wonderful apartments in the area so I called and asked to check it out. Yes you do have deposits with many, some too high, but you have choices of where to stay.
      In closing, don't expect anyone to help with bags-they just don't care. I had this conversation after the first visit, emails exchanged with the manager who I saw when I checked in talking to a desk clerk, a nice looking, well dressed man who had the appearance of a manager, someone in charge. I explained how I am walking in, employees sitting on a bench, standing, hands in pockets, would turn the other way, can't even be bother to open the door. My Rich Murphy assured me he would speak with his employees and this won't happen again. So on my recent check in which was late, I see the manager out front talking with someone. I did call and let the hotel know when I would be arriving, approximately.  Driving around the block for a parking space, and back outside, no one is there, but at least the doors were wedged open!
       Please people don't make the same mistakes I did, watch those safe fees !!! and call your credit card company to put an alert on your card for a total bill, so hotel can't HOLD YOUR MONEY !!!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fake Drugs Stamped as REAl,@ 1000. week

          A few weeks ago I saw an old lady on "BOTCHED" who had plastic surgery in a home with someone who offers it cheaper. The filled her cheeks with cement. She wanted botox. It was a botox party. Her breast also filled with implants not done by a real doctor. That poor woman.

        We never learn because we always want cheaper including the very much needed prescription drugs our doctors orders for us such as heart medicine, cholesterol, arthritis, allergies, alopecia, cancer drugs and so many more. Look up 20/20 and see what they uncovered.
        If you go to  a flea market and suddenly hear loud whistles, that means vendors who are selling illegal drugs are being warned that the police are there. By illegal I don't mean stolen from Pharmacies which is bad enough. I mean FAKE, from other countries, and stamped on the bottle caps and packages as MERCK and PFIZER. They use machines to do that. One old lady at a flea market was making at least 1000.00 a week and her capsules were filled with wall bonding material. That was passed off as ED medicine-Be Careful MEN !
     Lead and copper in 2000 per, when it should be not more than 100 of a certain ingredient which cause cancer and this is being passed off as ESTE LAuder. ( Excuse my typng mistakes.) I am trying to get as much info out there as fast as it's on 20/20-This was in New York City at a discount store with an Indain lady selling and smiling as she said she felt bad when asked. The majority of the dealers appear foreign, but I am sure as many are not foreign. It all about GREED.

    Coming from Singapore, Canada, India, Turkey-a CPA firm is even filling fake meds.
Our country is taking in, and our citizens are buying fake and DANGEROUS products from Air BAGS to makeup, to creams that we put on our bodies.

Our Government is filled with a bunch of crooks !!!


       Yesterday I met a young man named David, doesn't matter where or why, only that I met him. He is a wonder. I was a guest in someone elses home as I was told he was getting ready. He was getting ready for company. Well dressed, shaven, clean and wearing a nice fragrance, he greeted me with a hug as I tried to just shake hands. boy was that a shock ! While I don't mind hugs too much, to me he was a stranger although I was told what a great guy he was, and not just a great guy, but an example of what I think God meant in how people should treat people .Okay I'm not getting crazy here and saying he is God-like, but I do think God is as proud of him, as I am my children.
         I was asked if I wanted coffee, said yes, and he jumped up to make me a fresh cup by boiling water, grinding beans, doing this and that to make a cup far better than anything you can buy at a well known coffee shop-actually I don't like Strabucks coffee anyway, but David's coffee That was the bomb ! It made me want more, yet I wanted to savor the flavor, so one would do, until the next visit. I know, I know, one is not enough. But you see, I remember. I remember sitting back relaxed in a chair as he bent over saying, m'lady putting a hand out displaying the serving container and cup as if I was someone special.
        He was such a fine gentleman who played video games with a little guy I brought along, spoke so kindly to him, explained everything.

Covered With, F. S. and H.S.

       For what ever reason as I lay down last night the words, I Was covered, they had me covered with The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I know I was tired, stayed up too late and still that thought came to me. Thinking back I knew exactly what its' meaning was, but why did I need that reminder? That I have to wait and find out.
       As a young kid about eleven I met my grammar school principal, and Italian Catholic man named Mr. Nicholas Francis Vitalo Jr. Boy did I have a crush on him! As time passed it became much more than that. A relationship of true respect. I respected no one more than I did him. Yes I had a father. Around teh age of twelve or thirteen I met a new youth pastor, Donlad Lloyd Smestad, a tall, Norwegian Lutheran minister who added to my crush list. Then my family moved about that same time. I was the daughter chosen to babysit my baby brother which is how I met Mr. Dave Korsun.
     It was my friend Sandy who found the new apartment in a great Brownstone on fifty-sixth street in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. She knew the kid who lived there and told me, and I told my father and we moved. One day walking up to meet Sandy who had her sister Judy by the hand and I had baby brother Jimmy, we walked up to see Mr. Korsun who Sandy was about to introduce me too. I loved that guy. Not a crush kind of love, just a good man, like a dad should be.
     Years passed before I knew and realized, I was covered. You know that expression, I got ya covered. Well with the three men, I was covered. My Korsun was Jewish. He had a daughter Karen who wasa nice kid. I loved how she walked, but I used to be just a little jealous of how she and her dad loved each other, so much like it should be.
    So there I had, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit in three main religions with three men leading and working very different lives. Well no need to go deeper into things, but know this: when you have certain people in your life, look closer. They are there for sometimes a season, sometimes a reason, but always for a purpose. Take it and nourish that freindship :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It Can Happen Here Too !!!

        While sewing my  latest American made bag I am listening to the news and then I hear what I know can and may very well happen here. I think something like it did before. Look what happened to the housing market and who was in office then ?
    So, how would you like to be allowed to take only 70.00- that's right seventy dollars a day out of your bank, your own money? Well that's what's happening in Greece. Buy safes, not one but two, fire proof.  The interest you receive from knowing your money is safer than in a bank is worth it. Maybe even a safety deposit box in a bank, but I don't know how that works. If we go into a serious recession, the banks, whose CEO's are loaded, may just lock down your safety deposit boxes too.
    How do you stop it? VOTE ! Study your candidates. I just heard Chris Christie stopped a teachers raise or their pension, something like that. Check for yourself. So techers are protesting to make sure as I heard, "so people really know what kind of a man he is". ARE THEY KIDDING ?
      The only way you really know how a man or woman is, is if you live with them and many times not even then. Study them, look at their history, voting records. I am not affiliated with a party so I check independent. I hate when people run party lines then vote party lines. These people who run for office know who votes party lines, so they don't give a crap about you. They care about those who don't vote and minorities, which really mean, no longer do they care about the all American person to put it in a nutshell. YOU no longer count!
     Save your money!!!

Obama and Dr. Ben Carson

       As you see in the title, my respect lies with Dr. Carson. The difference is when Dr. Carson becomes President he will be the real first Black President, first African American President ! As we all know Obama is Bi-racial, inter racial what ever title you want to use to describe which is generational.
    Still too early to tell, but I am in line with Dr. Carson, Donald Trump, Chris Christie, Judge Pirro, not in that order.
         Who ever votes for Hillary should go to jail with her. How do we as a UNITED STATEs even allow someone with her lack of moral character, her lies, her past political history along with Billy Boy Clinton who lied about Monica, degrading her and yes I know she did it to herself, so we have Billy boy who also degraded the white house and people want him in again? Maybe this time Hillary will invite Monica for Billy.
    These people like Hillary stand up for the so called minorities only to get a vote. Will they also buy them homes to really help them, get jobs for them, pay for Automobiles, invite home for sinner? I doubt it.

I seriously believe Dr. Carson would do those things as he can and in individual situations . Trump, half and half, same with the rest, maybe Christie. I love Pirro, doubt she'll run, enjoys fashion and cameras, selfies too much, but what great judge and political person!  Maybe Greta Van a Susterern?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Entitled More Education if U Own vs. Renting ?

       Why this just hit me today is beyond me, but I have to pass things along if I think they matter even slightly. I was told a while ago by an educator in my distrct where a child was not getting what he should have gotten, that they are doing this "because you own a home in this district". That wasn't entirely true. They were now doing what was right because of a few things, mainly The Education Law center became involved and they asked an attorney to work bro bono. He did and he is not an intern but a lawyer who works for a huge firm and lives in another state.
     This brought me back to something that happened years ago when I was renting. I did everything right, paid my rent on time, ahead of time, kept the house great, asked permission to fix things, wallpaper etc. MY wrongdoing was, I didn't get anything in writing. Near the end of five years there  the landlords and I had problems. He hired a cheap painter to power sand the house, causing all kinds of problems with lead paint and my baby girl. I held back the rent in an escrow account and as soon as I did that, he came to my house, threatened to blow my head off with a double barrel shotgun. He saw nothing wrong.
    I had two men from church by me and I was taken aside and asked to not stay there that night. What I immediately did, well the next day was call the city detective who was useless, told me I should move that the guys is crazy and not worth it. If I was in New York....enough said.
    But the best thing I did was call a lawyer and she wrote him a letter. That letter halted all of his threats, and he called asking permission to come over etc. But he wasn't done with me. He had my security deposit and I trusted I'd get it back. I was moving to my own home. They refused to give my deposit back and I took them to the local district justice. My neighbor said, "forget it, you rent, you don't stand a Chance". She explained no matter how right I was, I wasn't a home owner, didn't pay taxes. That was Loganville/Jacobus PA. She was right. Those landlords presented me as someone who did what I wanted without permission, very well spoken and  also broke a light which would cost them 75. to buy. Yes, That did happen. It was about 20. But this small minded and unfair so called district court judge found in favor of the tax payers.
      So now I ask you... will you have the same rights with education as a renter for your children as a tax paying owner? If not and any way at all, get involved with the education law center in your state because they will screw you and your child if they can because as I was told about special programs, "It's expensive".
 Your child needs an IEP which will allow a TSS, Extended school year, aides for the van and the classroom. You are just as much a person who counts as anyone else ! IN closing, Just because my child is now taken care of correctly, I will not stop sending out this very important message. EXPENSIVE??? So are their raises !

Jimmy Johns Parks in HC spaces

          For now I'll not mention which store it is, but last week, when I stopped in during the noon hour I see one space open and I also see a driver facing me, not noticing it was a Jimmy Johns delivery car. I wait seconds to be sure he didn't want that space as I think he was before me. The parking lot was full and it was a hot and humid day. Well I took the empty space and I see there was another one, the one he took, but it was a Handicapped space, no pole, no sign on a pole, but the big blue sign painted on the street right at Jimmy Johns side door. Yes, That's the one he took!
     Honestly I was shocked as , even though the lot was full at lunch time, there are many spaces in that whole lot area. Inside I order for myself and a kid and mention to the guy checking me out, "your driver is in an HC spot". He said, I didn't know that. Just talk. Maybe it wasn't his job to say, hey, go move the car, but he never said another word to anyone while I was there. As I waited, I realize I see them park there a lot! Why? There are when I go in, many places to park, just one space away.Usually I go in before or after lunch time. This was the first time I noticed HC spaces, so if a wheelchair car came in, they could not park.
    Jimmy Johns, SHAME ON YOU !

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dear Ben Carson= Freedom !

        Hello Dr./Mr President Carson

                          Years ago as a foster mom, I used your story for a child I had in foster care. He is black, and has lived in so many homes, no black male role model to look up to. So I kind of made up a story about Sidney Poitier, how he dressed as a young man, found a pair of shoes in a window, left his family behind in the Caribbean so he "could Make it in America" and how one day he saw a pair of shoes he loved, would do anything for them, heard about acting and in small town America, was given a script to read. He got on stage and made things up because he couldn't read. All of this I made up. Then in that story I said Sidney went into a diner. A man sat in the back corner booth reading a paper, a white guy who owned the diner.
     Sidney watched as he read, turned he pages, laughed, grimaced and finally Sidney asked the man to teach him to read and he would do anything for that. They came to an agreement that Sidney would work as many hours as the man wanted washing dishes, cleaning and anything that came up. Sidney added how he wanted to buy a pair of shoes.
      Over the next several months the owner watched how hard Sidney worked to learn to read and buy a pair of shoes. The day finally came. Sidney could read, not great, but he could and asked the man for the money for shoes. The man said, I never promised you money, just shoes and had Sidney walk with him to the store. The man respected Sidney so much, they walked and talked about each others family, education, and being black. Arriving at the store Sidney sees the shoes are gone. The man says, don't worry, they have plenty. The man introduces Sidney to the store keeper, Arnie. Arnie reaches out to grasp Sidneys' hand and Sidney pulls back, uncertain. Its okay says the diner owner. They shake hands and Arnie says, come here Sidney. He opens a curtain, and there hanging are two suits, one very casual and one a dress suit with shirts, ties, belts, and two pairs of shoes. There were also under wear. Sidney sat and cried.
        Those three men forever stayed friends, out of trust and respect. To repeat myself, I made all of that up for  a kid. But then I decided to take him to Washington to meet a congressman, the real deal to show this child who he too cab become. The congressman promised him all kinds of things, then he wanted to use the boys' picture for a new law they were making about siblings seeing each other more. This  kid had eleven siblings, nine in care. When I told the congressman he can't use his picture because the child was through Children and youth, just about everything stopped, including promises of a team sweatshirt.
    The kids' birthday comes around and by now he is living in  a residential home. I called, we talked and he never received a thing. I called the congressmans' office, Chaka Fattah something from Philly. His Secretary answered and I told her I would go to the papers because of that lack of action. She asked for the kids address and sent him a pencil and pad. !
      Real life or make believe? What would you want? Then I saw your story as a kid and the boy...well I let him move in with me again a few years later and I think, not sure there was a Christian movie about you or a library book. Either way, he knew about you but felt too far for him to reach and still preferred Sidney' Poitier's made up story asking me if I thought he could get that far. Sure, why not?
     Doctor Carson, America is looking at you and fools that we are may end up voting for more of the same because we don't see the passion in you that we see in Judge Pirro or D. Trump. I think you are just a careful common sense man and I pray you make it. If you don't, Judge Pirro doesn't look like shes running, but maybe Trump or Christie?
    I believe your life is as valuable as you believe every one's life is and you would really be the First Black president as Mr. Obama is the first Bi Racial. Sadly I have lost respect for all governing people. They take and take We have elderly who are not taken cared of and a law now passed allows illegal immigrants to receive medical care, get an education,  Disability, and more than immigrants who come here by way of waiting, following rules, obeying the law, shoved aside as Americans who are born here. This is not the AMERICA I knew.