Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dear Ben Carson= Freedom !

        Hello Dr./Mr President Carson

                          Years ago as a foster mom, I used your story for a child I had in foster care. He is black, and has lived in so many homes, no black male role model to look up to. So I kind of made up a story about Sidney Poitier, how he dressed as a young man, found a pair of shoes in a window, left his family behind in the Caribbean so he "could Make it in America" and how one day he saw a pair of shoes he loved, would do anything for them, heard about acting and in small town America, was given a script to read. He got on stage and made things up because he couldn't read. All of this I made up. Then in that story I said Sidney went into a diner. A man sat in the back corner booth reading a paper, a white guy who owned the diner.
     Sidney watched as he read, turned he pages, laughed, grimaced and finally Sidney asked the man to teach him to read and he would do anything for that. They came to an agreement that Sidney would work as many hours as the man wanted washing dishes, cleaning and anything that came up. Sidney added how he wanted to buy a pair of shoes.
      Over the next several months the owner watched how hard Sidney worked to learn to read and buy a pair of shoes. The day finally came. Sidney could read, not great, but he could and asked the man for the money for shoes. The man said, I never promised you money, just shoes and had Sidney walk with him to the store. The man respected Sidney so much, they walked and talked about each others family, education, and being black. Arriving at the store Sidney sees the shoes are gone. The man says, don't worry, they have plenty. The man introduces Sidney to the store keeper, Arnie. Arnie reaches out to grasp Sidneys' hand and Sidney pulls back, uncertain. Its okay says the diner owner. They shake hands and Arnie says, come here Sidney. He opens a curtain, and there hanging are two suits, one very casual and one a dress suit with shirts, ties, belts, and two pairs of shoes. There were also under wear. Sidney sat and cried.
        Those three men forever stayed friends, out of trust and respect. To repeat myself, I made all of that up for  a kid. But then I decided to take him to Washington to meet a congressman, the real deal to show this child who he too cab become. The congressman promised him all kinds of things, then he wanted to use the boys' picture for a new law they were making about siblings seeing each other more. This  kid had eleven siblings, nine in care. When I told the congressman he can't use his picture because the child was through Children and youth, just about everything stopped, including promises of a team sweatshirt.
    The kids' birthday comes around and by now he is living in  a residential home. I called, we talked and he never received a thing. I called the congressmans' office, Chaka Fattah something from Philly. His Secretary answered and I told her I would go to the papers because of that lack of action. She asked for the kids address and sent him a pencil and pad. !
      Real life or make believe? What would you want? Then I saw your story as a kid and the boy...well I let him move in with me again a few years later and I think, not sure there was a Christian movie about you or a library book. Either way, he knew about you but felt too far for him to reach and still preferred Sidney' Poitier's made up story asking me if I thought he could get that far. Sure, why not?
     Doctor Carson, America is looking at you and fools that we are may end up voting for more of the same because we don't see the passion in you that we see in Judge Pirro or D. Trump. I think you are just a careful common sense man and I pray you make it. If you don't, Judge Pirro doesn't look like shes running, but maybe Trump or Christie?
    I believe your life is as valuable as you believe every one's life is and you would really be the First Black president as Mr. Obama is the first Bi Racial. Sadly I have lost respect for all governing people. They take and take We have elderly who are not taken cared of and a law now passed allows illegal immigrants to receive medical care, get an education,  Disability, and more than immigrants who come here by way of waiting, following rules, obeying the law, shoved aside as Americans who are born here. This is not the AMERICA I knew.

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