Sunday, June 28, 2015

Entitled More Education if U Own vs. Renting ?

       Why this just hit me today is beyond me, but I have to pass things along if I think they matter even slightly. I was told a while ago by an educator in my distrct where a child was not getting what he should have gotten, that they are doing this "because you own a home in this district". That wasn't entirely true. They were now doing what was right because of a few things, mainly The Education Law center became involved and they asked an attorney to work bro bono. He did and he is not an intern but a lawyer who works for a huge firm and lives in another state.
     This brought me back to something that happened years ago when I was renting. I did everything right, paid my rent on time, ahead of time, kept the house great, asked permission to fix things, wallpaper etc. MY wrongdoing was, I didn't get anything in writing. Near the end of five years there  the landlords and I had problems. He hired a cheap painter to power sand the house, causing all kinds of problems with lead paint and my baby girl. I held back the rent in an escrow account and as soon as I did that, he came to my house, threatened to blow my head off with a double barrel shotgun. He saw nothing wrong.
    I had two men from church by me and I was taken aside and asked to not stay there that night. What I immediately did, well the next day was call the city detective who was useless, told me I should move that the guys is crazy and not worth it. If I was in New York....enough said.
    But the best thing I did was call a lawyer and she wrote him a letter. That letter halted all of his threats, and he called asking permission to come over etc. But he wasn't done with me. He had my security deposit and I trusted I'd get it back. I was moving to my own home. They refused to give my deposit back and I took them to the local district justice. My neighbor said, "forget it, you rent, you don't stand a Chance". She explained no matter how right I was, I wasn't a home owner, didn't pay taxes. That was Loganville/Jacobus PA. She was right. Those landlords presented me as someone who did what I wanted without permission, very well spoken and  also broke a light which would cost them 75. to buy. Yes, That did happen. It was about 20. But this small minded and unfair so called district court judge found in favor of the tax payers.
      So now I ask you... will you have the same rights with education as a renter for your children as a tax paying owner? If not and any way at all, get involved with the education law center in your state because they will screw you and your child if they can because as I was told about special programs, "It's expensive".
 Your child needs an IEP which will allow a TSS, Extended school year, aides for the van and the classroom. You are just as much a person who counts as anyone else ! IN closing, Just because my child is now taken care of correctly, I will not stop sending out this very important message. EXPENSIVE??? So are their raises !

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