Friday, June 26, 2015

Trumps Mexican Message

         Poorly stated, he has to admit that. From what I heard this morning it sounded as if he was targeting all People who are Mexican. He tried to clarify what he said later with news anchor Meghan Kelly, showing Mexican borders and how Mexican people are coming in illegally. That in itself is a crime, so they are criminals, but that does not make them rapists and drug dealers. That would be like saying, all Irish are drunks, all Norwegians are drunks etc. You get my point.
       I only know as intelligent as Trump is, he could have , should have rephrased his words, unless he meant exactly what he said. Now he may pay the ultimate price. We are over populated with people who get to vote even when not citizens, thanks to Obama as well as given illegals free medical and education and social security-WHY ISN'T HE TAKEN TO TASK! REVERSE Discrimination?
      I love Ben Carson as well as Jeannine Pirro and TRUMP-Just, please people if you VOTE HILLARY, You are Voting more crime=YOU ARE HER.
   Something in closing to think about concerning the Trump. HE may have stated out loud exactly what he thinks, but how many Mexicans feel the same way about white Americans, just not talking about it out loud or running for office. We ALL have our issues about certain cultures as hard as we try not to due to personal experience, what we see on the news, crime areas and more. Personally I take people one at a time, thankfully because I did leave where I grew up and moved around the country to find out for myself. Oh remember this, OPRAH, a BLACK WOMAN said racism will only go away when ALL OLD WHITE  people die! That's not racist? Remember what bobble head so called reverend did with a young Tawana Brawley, having her say she was raped by a white man. He's one of those phony make belivee Reverends.

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