Thursday, June 4, 2015

Duggar Family Mess, What WOUld You Do or WWJD ?

       It's easy to sit on the outside and say what you would do, what should be done and how you would handle it. Believe me, I am not a bleeding heart.
        As adults who have been child victims of teen age brothers and or male parents, this will be viewed differently. Right there, two views.
       As a mother who has protected the child molesters, another view.
As the teen molester, another view.

     They are all human views. Some much more passionate than others. I have had conversations about this topic with a family member concerning when a person goes to prison for this crime, they have paid the price, therefore making Megan's law, wrong. I on the other hand support Megan's law. The highest rate of a crime repeating itself  is pedophilia.

    If I were to be an outsider looking in as a doctor aka shrink, I believe it could be said Josh was a teen, and steps were taken, but not enough and not soon enough and the fact that it was kept with friends, another mistake, like the cop who now sits in jail for porn etc. As it's now seen on TV the parents try to make it sound as if "well it was just" soon as Jim Bob uses just, you know his lack of empathy, lack of walking in his daughters shoes and the other child, is solely to protect his son. It was a juvie record and should have stayed closed. Now that it's out, everyone will look at him like a monster and wonder about his own daughter. I do too.
    His sisters...did they really forgive him or under it all do they hate him. I bet we all want to look more closely at past shows to see how close the now older girls acted with Josh. We all want to go back and get a closer look. Sad.

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