Friday, June 26, 2015

Muslims Block Alpine in Brooklyn, TAKE BACK....

        Facebook removed teh photos of Muslims blocking an old Movie theater, The Alpine on 69th st. and 5th ave in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. Why did FB remove it? Bleeding Heats liberal company? Or Was it not to continue the agitation we all feel as losing our lands to Radicals.
       As far and long as I can remember, no one is allowed to block a public street or sidewalk, so how is it they get away with these things? Where are the police arresting these people. They have mosques, homes, and there are public places like parks, but no, they want to show their asses to AMERICA in defiance as if to say, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??? They get away with protesting our kids praying in schools, yet look at what they gat away with!
     We have to stand up, unite, wear our own religious symbols and get back to the roots of our own religions.
     These people know we have let our faith go by the wayside and they unite using their faith as an excuse as to why they are allowed and get away with taking over streets, cities, boro's, states. In this, our United States we have:
  •  Catholics
  • Lutherans
  • Protestants,
  •  Baptists
  • Pentecostal
  • Jews
  • Orthodox Jews
  • The Greek Faith
....and so many more, but we have to get BACK. Excuse me if I made errors concerning the correct faith wording, but you get my drift, so now, DRIFT BACK to your Churches. UNITE AMERICA! Before you end up bowing in prayer to MECCA, or.... side by side Christians & Jews unite, Americans, take it back.

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