Friday, June 5, 2015

Take Pedophile Hasterts Gov't Pension for ABuse

        Since it appears this pervert cannot be sued or locked up, why can't his extra government pension be taken and donated to abuse victims of sexual abuse. He can still receive retirement as in social security, but should not receive a dime or his wife if he has one , in the way of any extra money. He has been paying off someone while working for the government, meaning he is a crook, liar, involved in blackmail and now will get off Scott free?
    NO WAY in HELL should he get away with the rest of his life made easier when he has ruined more than one life I'm sure. HE should be fined, using anything he has saved, any investments such as homes, cars, bank accounts, securities and donate it all to victims of sexual abuse and their families who had to go through with their children's torment, counseling and at least one death.
   Take this bastards money!!!

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