Sunday, June 28, 2015

Jimmy Johns Parks in HC spaces

          For now I'll not mention which store it is, but last week, when I stopped in during the noon hour I see one space open and I also see a driver facing me, not noticing it was a Jimmy Johns delivery car. I wait seconds to be sure he didn't want that space as I think he was before me. The parking lot was full and it was a hot and humid day. Well I took the empty space and I see there was another one, the one he took, but it was a Handicapped space, no pole, no sign on a pole, but the big blue sign painted on the street right at Jimmy Johns side door. Yes, That's the one he took!
     Honestly I was shocked as , even though the lot was full at lunch time, there are many spaces in that whole lot area. Inside I order for myself and a kid and mention to the guy checking me out, "your driver is in an HC spot". He said, I didn't know that. Just talk. Maybe it wasn't his job to say, hey, go move the car, but he never said another word to anyone while I was there. As I waited, I realize I see them park there a lot! Why? There are when I go in, many places to park, just one space away.Usually I go in before or after lunch time. This was the first time I noticed HC spaces, so if a wheelchair car came in, they could not park.
    Jimmy Johns, SHAME ON YOU !

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