Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It Can Happen Here Too !!!

        While sewing my  latest American made bag I am listening to the news and then I hear what I know can and may very well happen here. I think something like it did before. Look what happened to the housing market and who was in office then ?
    So, how would you like to be allowed to take only 70.00- that's right seventy dollars a day out of your bank, your own money? Well that's what's happening in Greece. Buy safes, not one but two, fire proof.  The interest you receive from knowing your money is safer than in a bank is worth it. Maybe even a safety deposit box in a bank, but I don't know how that works. If we go into a serious recession, the banks, whose CEO's are loaded, may just lock down your safety deposit boxes too.
    How do you stop it? VOTE ! Study your candidates. I just heard Chris Christie stopped a teachers raise or their pension, something like that. Check for yourself. So techers are protesting to make sure as I heard, "so people really know what kind of a man he is". ARE THEY KIDDING ?
      The only way you really know how a man or woman is, is if you live with them and many times not even then. Study them, look at their history, voting records. I am not affiliated with a party so I check independent. I hate when people run party lines then vote party lines. These people who run for office know who votes party lines, so they don't give a crap about you. They care about those who don't vote and minorities, which really mean, no longer do they care about the all American person to put it in a nutshell. YOU no longer count!
     Save your money!!!

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