Monday, July 6, 2015

Covered With, F. S. and H.S.

       For what ever reason as I lay down last night the words, I Was covered, they had me covered with The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I know I was tired, stayed up too late and still that thought came to me. Thinking back I knew exactly what its' meaning was, but why did I need that reminder? That I have to wait and find out.
       As a young kid about eleven I met my grammar school principal, and Italian Catholic man named Mr. Nicholas Francis Vitalo Jr. Boy did I have a crush on him! As time passed it became much more than that. A relationship of true respect. I respected no one more than I did him. Yes I had a father. Around teh age of twelve or thirteen I met a new youth pastor, Donlad Lloyd Smestad, a tall, Norwegian Lutheran minister who added to my crush list. Then my family moved about that same time. I was the daughter chosen to babysit my baby brother which is how I met Mr. Dave Korsun.
     It was my friend Sandy who found the new apartment in a great Brownstone on fifty-sixth street in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. She knew the kid who lived there and told me, and I told my father and we moved. One day walking up to meet Sandy who had her sister Judy by the hand and I had baby brother Jimmy, we walked up to see Mr. Korsun who Sandy was about to introduce me too. I loved that guy. Not a crush kind of love, just a good man, like a dad should be.
     Years passed before I knew and realized, I was covered. You know that expression, I got ya covered. Well with the three men, I was covered. My Korsun was Jewish. He had a daughter Karen who wasa nice kid. I loved how she walked, but I used to be just a little jealous of how she and her dad loved each other, so much like it should be.
    So there I had, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit in three main religions with three men leading and working very different lives. Well no need to go deeper into things, but know this: when you have certain people in your life, look closer. They are there for sometimes a season, sometimes a reason, but always for a purpose. Take it and nourish that freindship :)

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