Monday, July 20, 2015

Trump Does NOT want the Presidency !

        Do you think a man as intelligent as Donald Trump is, would say what he is saying, especially about McCain? He knows exactly what he is doing. Keep things a stirrin' while there going, was said many years ago by Ms. S. Truth and it's as true today as it was then. He wants to stir the pot and knows how to do it. Sure he's a loud mouth, but good one. He is making people take a look at reality and what's going on in the world and he is also stirring up Ben Carson a little bit. Ben Carson, my favorite is now showing more emotion, and that's what voters want to see. With everything he is saying, other contenders show their side, what they do and don't believe and how they attack-unlike Ben Carson. That man has class, intelligence, moral character and all who we need in a President.
      Trump shows passion, is not politically correct which I love but crosses the line which I also love because it's waking AMERICA UP !!! I don't believe TRUMP really wants to be President even at what hes' lost. He doesn't care about those losses. He's so rich he can do anything. He knows too, that if he can offend enough of the right peolpe, he won't get the votes so he will go back to the life he's used to, and have accomplished his goal! Good going Trump ! Trump should join S.A.G.

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