Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Best Western Gregory- FEES, Your MONEY

            Recently I stayed at the Best Western hotel In Brooklyn New York. A couple of weeks prior I also stayed there. The first time it was to be for one night and I gave a credit card, the same one I reserved it for as payment. So the desk clerk said, okay I got it, didn't need to give it again. Late in teh evening I called down said I;d like to stay another night, how much is it. I was told teh same as I am paying. Sunday nights the rates are usually less so I went on line to check and found out yes it definitley was less, by ten dollars.
     I take some time, go donw to teh desk and aftre speaking with ayoung lady she tells me she can give it to me for 165.-okay, now I'm staying another night.
     NOW the problem starts when I check out, but didn't know until I get home and check my bank and receipt. I have alway trusted fees, never looked at receipts but boy I SURE DO NOW !  It took too mant times to get things removed. What teh hotel decided to do was NOT charge teh card I gave for teh first night and put all charges on another card of mine. THEY DECIDED!
     When I gave another card for the second night I said to the clerk, this is for the sceond night, I already paid the first night with my other card. She just smiled and said, yeah, yeah, okay I got it, in a nice way. At that time my glasses were broke and I couldn't have read the receipt anyway. I had a good reason to pay how I wanted to pay, not what teh hotel decided to do and deceptive at that. They charged me safe fees. I never have used the hotel safe ! The hotel doesn't even ask, nor do they tell you that they charged those fees. HOW Many people have paid safe fees over the years and not used the safe?
      NOw this last visit on checking in I tell the nice male clerk that please no safe fees, I don't use the safe, he said yeah okay, "they" took that off. LIE !  I give him my card which has a 300. limit as I am afraid after the last time , charges/over charges. He tells me, it won't go through. I say, I have a zero balance. He tells me, Don't you have another card? ( first time)-why so I can be charged up the wazoo and have to wait days to have things removed-I say no. he asks again, in another way, you don't have another card? again, second time-NO-what didn't he get the first time I said no? Then I walk away card the credit card company, bring it to the clerk and he hears zero balance and 300. card limit. The guy shrugs his shoulders and I hang up asking can I pay for the first night. He tells me no the card won't go through and for a third time, you don't have another card? AGAIN, no!  So I pay the first night in cash. I go out that night to dinner, pay with my 200. card an 80. dinner for myself and guests. Now I am planning this because of how rude it was checking in and this guy telling me he didn't know why my card wasn't going through. HE damn well did,  BUT decided not to tell me when I asked=LIE!
      At the end of the night in my room I call the credit card company and thank GOD she was someone who was patient, explaining so much. She said this hotel clerk tried to put a charge of 775.00 on it. At the most my bill would have been 212. a night which was I paid in cash, including the safe fee that I was lied to about. Then he tried to charge 700.00 and again he tried 500. !!! BUT he didn't know why? Bull crap! Lie and deceit, HE knew he was trying to charge all those fees/amounts but refused to have the human decency to tell me, refused to take my card as a one night payment.
    So now I knew, checking out they would have to accept it as with the credit card company they put an alert on it the hotel count charge over 212.00  Hotels that put extra charges on your card are using your money, getting interest on it, taking away any interest you might be getting on it. Safe fee was credited back as I looked this time at the desk.
             I was to stay three nights, but canceled in plenty of time the third night as my child had school Monday. I am so disappointed with this hotel as I have been going there for many, many years. I spent a good part of July 4th looking at other hotels, airbnb which has some wonderful apartments in the area so I called and asked to check it out. Yes you do have deposits with many, some too high, but you have choices of where to stay.
      In closing, don't expect anyone to help with bags-they just don't care. I had this conversation after the first visit, emails exchanged with the manager who I saw when I checked in talking to a desk clerk, a nice looking, well dressed man who had the appearance of a manager, someone in charge. I explained how I am walking in, employees sitting on a bench, standing, hands in pockets, would turn the other way, can't even be bother to open the door. My Rich Murphy assured me he would speak with his employees and this won't happen again. So on my recent check in which was late, I see the manager out front talking with someone. I did call and let the hotel know when I would be arriving, approximately.  Driving around the block for a parking space, and back outside, no one is there, but at least the doors were wedged open!
       Please people don't make the same mistakes I did, watch those safe fees !!! and call your credit card company to put an alert on your card for a total bill, so hotel can't HOLD YOUR MONEY !!!!

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