Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Obama, Holder, White male Gunned down by 3 Black bored teens

      Another story of kids who were bored and intended to hold up someone, rather than play basketball.
A white male who usually walks his dog with his 13 year old daughter decided to take the dog out and let his daughter stay home. As the three bored black teens approached him, they shot him one in the leg. He put his hands up, asked not to shoot him again. They did, He died. Police have two in custody a 14 year old whose name won't be released and fifteen year old Brandon Smith. TYFINE HAmilton is still at large. As far as protecting a 14 year old who is with those same type of kids? Why is his name being held? He was there. So tired of protecting kids who commit these crimes and getting off because they are kids. THEY FREAKING KNOW right from wrong !!!

    The man who died? His name is  James Patrick Stuhlman. So Obama and buddy Eric Holder, where are you now, again. Maybe you two and your cronies, all of them, from Hillary Clinton, buddy boy Billy and congress would serve Kenya better because we, the United States of America DO NOT !

 Soon, not soon enough, we will have a real American president who will stand up for everyone, race creed and religion! Now, Obama, why don't you just go out the back door, the way you came in and go home.

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