Thursday, July 9, 2015

TRUMP vs. Cosby ? U R WRONG!

       What the hell is wrong with this country ? Donald Trump makes a statement that even I believe he could have, should have worded differently, HOWEVER, look at the Liberal, Democrats reaction. This was not what is called intelligent responses, but knee jerk reactions. So he is not allowed to be honest without severe penalties? What kind of a president are you morons looking for? Do you want someone in office, who continually lies, steals, is/was involved, had knowledge of, a murder, land deals gone wrong, a husband who had oral sex, disgracing the office of the white house and will continue to do the same? IS that really what you want?
    OR maybe you'd rather have  BILL Cosby, amazing both him and Clinton are BILLS ! Okay now serious. Look at the poor women who were called liars, wanted fifteen minutes of fame, said they had their own agenda and people just didn't want to believe this rapist because he used to be a celebrity. YET He is hired back into clubs, people stand and cheer, and HE"S PAID!  Wrong America, WRONG !
    Is isn't that I am for or against TRUMP. I love Ben Carson, Judge Pirro and there are a few others out there who would make GREAT Presidents. What is it you people, yes YOU PEOPLE want? China is buying real estate all over the United States of AMERICA. Cuba is now open. Just wait!
    Remember that phrase, you made your bed, now lie in it?
I am not a hard nose type person, have worked in mental health, worked with kids, people of all ages, income and cultures. It's time for someone to say, I will make a change and do it for the GOOD of the United States. For GOD Sake, wake up AMERICA!
   Recently in Brooklyn NY a mosque on 5th ave and 69th had their people praying outside on the sidewalk, blocking the whole side which happened last year on Broadway-no permits, yet people were afraid, even the police to tell them: YOU cannot block the sidewalk, you have to have a permit ! Society is so afraid that if right now a terrorist was running for office you would vote for him or her. You're asleep AMERICA! 
    Picture this: America is a garden, a beautiful garden with clear rows, clear sections, growth is green, tall, high, prosperous and someone comes along and sprays a pesticide on it, killing all that was good.
    This is what's happening in America-Have you lost your passion America? If you have you might as well wave a white flag...and move to China.

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