Saturday, July 18, 2015


                 Well I won't be staying there again. It is-was a great hotel and I loved my visits there with my daughter and niece, but from now on, I want to know who owns the New York City Hotels. Better yet, maybe I'll stay away anyway as China is buying up so much New York property, they might as well hang out there own flag. Let's see who will take that down !!!
     Obama won't stay there because his protectors feel there may be bugs because the Chinese own it. Are they nuts? Don't they know yet if people want to bug a hotel room they will and can and no one will stop them? They photos shown on TV make it look as if Obama is staying at Trumps hotel by the Park, now that's classy. They can both talk about Hillary.
   I just have to add this;It's too bad all of these brilliant men and women and many they are, can't
 figure a way to take care of the national debt, ISIS, Hillary, crooked politicians, dope, illegal immigrants and anything else that comes up, but no, they would rather feed their own egos and attack each other. Now imagine that happening in China, or at The Waldorf Astoria?

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