Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Lifes' Balances and SHOW Me

        Boy have I been gone a while, in a few ways. A couple of days ago someone reminded me of a few very important things . Changes have been coming along anyway, but with changes come new insight into mistakes, some you can take back, some you can't or don't want to. I have learned it's never too late to chnage your mind if early enough in the process and you can go back and undo things. You can change your mind.
      That comes with, if others are involved, speaking to the right people in the right positions. Trust only those you've know for a lifetime or those you really know and really know well. Remember that phrase, "trust your instinct"? Please do. Lately I haven't been trusting mine and every time I have been wrong.
    I live in an area where I'm considered an outsider after raising my kids here, working here, buying a home here, yes still an outsider. I no longer care and haven't for years. Many people here as with everywhere else consider themselves to be Christians and yes, like many I have issues with that. Don't tell me show me. But again, I no longer care. There is one family close to me that has shown me, one. With that, I no longer care.
   It's the season of my life that I have found I need to do the right thing soley for me and one other person. Going back and forth with emotions, chnaging my mind, talking it over and again talking it over with a"right" person, things are now what they should be. I have found the balance in life.

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