Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Christie, Trump, Fireballs

           America who are you looking for in a new, Thank God, New President. Like most politicians they tell us what they think we want to hear. Two are not politicians as we know it and that's Trump and Carson. I can't give specifics as I don't have that kind of mind that absorbs everything political.
        I do know, I don't want Hillary. She is a liar. Look at the most recent Benghazi but her horrible history goes way back with Billy boy and please look at their land deals and their so called friend who was killed, Mr. Foster, not suicide. They only  look out for number one and that's where it ends.

      Let's look a little at Trump. He doesn't have to be involved at all. Financially he can do anything so why put himself out there to be ridiculed? Because he has faith in himself and true Americans that we can be great again.  Everyone brings up immigration because they want the Latino and black vote, yet we have Trump who tells us he will stop ILLEGAL immigration. ILLEGAL people. ILLEGALS who are taking away our jobs, education, social security, taxes which they all get. That's fair?
          But it isn't that simple. He knows it to. Trump needs people in his cabinet that will help him change the country. I think his ego is a huge part of this, but maybe that's good. He has something to prove.
    Now Christie-I would love to see him debate Hillary. He was a prosecutor and he knows her history and he knows what she is, yes I said what she is. I think these two men are the top choices.They have fight. They want to roll their sleeves up, literally and work !

    People take this year, examine these runners, listen and listen more. Vote with you brain. Don't vote the women vote, Latino vote one way or another, black vote one way or another Asian vote one way or another or any vote that has to do with race, culture or religion.
Vote this:

  •    Jobs-keep them in America-Fine those who take them out of America
  •    Health care-you should not be fined because you can't afford it or have to go on welfare-what kind of choice is that?
  •    Education
  •    Social security
  •    Housing
  •    Tax reform
  •    Illegal Immigration

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