Friday, November 20, 2015

Staten Island MALL-No Christmas-SHOP Elsewhere

       The Staten Island Mall has removed Christmas, but says your children can get pictures take at Penny's, the lower level, out of sight! Screw that! No parade no inside tree, No Mention of CHRISTMAS? WHO owns the MALL anyway, the SYRIAN Government?
    There are many shops in Staten Island who love CHRISTMAS ! Private CRAFT makers welcome your AMERICAN money. Go to Nursing homes and see what these toy, wood workers make ! Get friends and family and more friends-MAKE your own Parade! Of course we also know, shop on line, saves stress, gas, waiting, driving and gives you more time with those who love you and you love back.
    So put on some tea, set up the shopping list next to your computer and go. Make sure you have hot chocolate and marshmallows for the kids.
     If you don't celebrate Christmas and you're Jewish, support your Christian neighbors. WE need to support our neighbors and friends, our family and those we don't know enough about, but who we need to know more about. Talk to your neighbors, bu hey You're NEW YORK, you know what to do. Wish I was back.

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