Saturday, November 28, 2015

Me? In a ONSIE? Who knew...Those Two

        After a few hectic days I was invited to go to my daughters' and her boyfriends' home for Thanksgiving and stay over. Just going down there, the ride and the peace was wonderful but arriving, that was a whole new world. The welcomed feeling made me feel right at home. Wafting from the kitchen were smells of turkey, homemade stuffing and those strings beans, wow. Oh, don't let me forget the mashed potatoes ! I ate too much but not enough. I'm sure you understand that. A feeling of being satisfied hit me well before we sat down to eat. It was the atmosphere, the family, joking all around, talking about things you know only can be kept with family, a glass of wine and a dog. A very special dog name Virgil. He's an English Bulldog who is so lovable that I wouldn't care what I was wearing. I just enjoyed him, that face, the love he offers.
            Thanksgiving over all too soon, I knew another bite would not pass between my lips, but then my daughter brought in some mini cannoli's but made in tiny, tiny  pie shells like a with chocolate chips on top. Delicious, scrumptious! I wanted to savor and honestly took my time to taste and not just slide down my throat. The three of us sat down to relax watching a marathon of Blue Bloods. Soon after her boyfriend leaves, comes back downstairs with a onsie on, a star wars theme,or batman? It had a cape on it. This guys is not just smart and funny, but sweet and always himself. Then my daughter says, oh yeah mom, I have one for you too. Wrinkling my brow I think she has to be kidding! I know she would not mind a one piece anything to fit me. Oh Lord-she did. So there she was in her Princess Leia Onsie and mine was a Koala Bear, gray and white. Into the tiny bathroom, not meant for changing, I slipped jeans off and a onsie on. I bust out laughing before I even had it near me.
      Edging it on, up, buttoning buttons and putting the hood/hat on with ears attached, it fit !!! Oh CRAP! They weren't kidding and to top it off, I really had fun with it and didn't mind a few pictures even feeling comfortable. I have never liked picture taking, even as a kid. We sat down all three, relaxed in our onsie's. Oh it was so warm and comfy. I had a great time ! Great family, atmosphere and Virgil cuddling up at times. Couldn't have been better:) Thank you J&D...I love you both.

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