Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kids Brain Football injuries

       Yeah, I know these are just kids. They can't get hurt like the big guys. You should hear what I am listening to right now. Grown up professional players do not want their own kids playing football. One, I think it was Brett Farve has said, I don't remember my daughter ever playing soccer. Others don't remember so much and wonder how their brain has been damaged. There is a billion dollar settlement under way for brain injuries.
      It is being said now, it will take moms to do something about stopping kids from playing football. Men want and love the roughness and toughness of the game and think, hey they're boys, they need to play football. When they have brain damage will that same man be able to pay the bills, will he be able to sit and watch, take care of a son, now brain damaged because of football? It only takes one hit ! They only have one life.

Think about it. Save your sons, now.

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