Thursday, December 3, 2015

"Legal" Arsenal of Guns

        This latest tragedy has given politicians reasons to get ahead, by USING, the terror spree.  The fact that the latest killers had a LEGAL amount of an ARSENAL of weapons is worrisome. I am all for being able to buy weapons to protect your self, hunt-and I don't like hunting- but not being able to buy the kinds of weapons these killers did buy legally.
     AK-47's? Bought Legally? Who needs that type of gun except terrorists, killers and now we have politician Ryan stating this is all about people who are mentally unstable. It isn't. He keeps saying we have mental health issues and sure thats a piece but many killers are perfectly sound knowing exactly what they are doing in the name of whatever. They are simply cowards.
         A person who loses their temper because of being fired will get less time because of a good lawyer saying they are temporaily insane. OKAY, so  they still have to pay for their crimes. That "snap" that caused soemone to "lose it" should not mean they don't pay for their crime just as much as anyone else because they can get out again, and "SNAP" again. Bring back the chair !

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