Friday, December 4, 2015

Close Worldwide Borders for FIVE years !!!

       Let's work on cleaning up our own country, feeding and caring for our own children , elderly parents and vets, our health care and education system. That also means energy containment. Lets get back to square one. We have our own energy, so let's use it.

       Now today I saw and listened to Mandy Patinkin and he made a lot of sense. He stated things like lets invite people into our homes, show love as he did, but he really never went into more detail about how that came about. We would really invite a Muslim or Arabic, Syrian family into our homes knowing what we know now? Honestly, not sure. But I get Patinkin's point. He spoke about the Gaza strip and how to make it better. He said freedom, justice and integrity, meaning we, the US should give people what we have, education, housing, food and a quality of life. Then they won't want to harm us. Maybe, but why take it out on the US. Why not take their guns, bombs out on their own countries?
     Okay now here I am about this Fiance' visa's? Bull Crap loud and clear. That show 90 day fiance is also bull crap. It has to stop and stop yesterday. These people who are grabbing spouses from other countries are saying loud and clear-MY PEOPLE ARE NO GOOD-i HAVE TO GET A SPOUSE FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY!
     Okay, good, Fine, then you move to that country !!!

      Our borders need to close for five years along with international travel.  Sure other countries are beautiful, but so is ours. Ships get hi jacked trying to do good, planes are hi-jacked in normal travel, schools are bombed, shot up, businesses blown up, kids killed and yes, I know, I know, our own home grown idiots are doing it also which is more reason to contain Americans here for five years. Close all borders. Take care of mental health, improve the system and work on legal weapons. Give American jobs back, don't let Americans use overseas for greedy business and if so, AMERICANS do not buy. That product is not allowed here. If we're not good enough to make it then we're sure as hell not good enough to buy it.
    Let AMERICANs live peacefully and not in fear in their own, in our own, in my own Country. Now.

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