Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Free Education Law Center-offers HOPE

       Hello Parents

                    We don't know what we don't know until someone else lets us in or until we have the problem and search and search until we find answers. By then it may be too late. I live in Pennsylvania and there is an ELC here, and there is one in every state. If there isn't, there is one close by in a bordering state who will still help you at no cost to you.
            The Education Law Center is in business to make sure your child's needs are being met. So many children of all ages are becoming criminals because they have disabling issues, mental health problems not being taken care of in connection with education, So what do schools usually want to do? Suspend, over and over and then send to a lock down behavior school and finally a residential placement.
     None of that is an answer when your child's needs are not being met and isolation is not the answer. My local school appears to ignore the fact that the child in my care is on the autism spectrum. Sure they have told me, and the team that he gets sensory things to help him through. IS that the same as an autism class or school? No way at all.
   These children are choking in a sense to get out of the building for play, to be in a room or rooms with many sensory objects, to have hands on working materials like skilled crafts to teach a life skill which is a very calming method. We had the education law center involved and a pro bono lawyer who finally dropped out as the school said, we cannot keep this child as he's a danger to himself and others. So now they want to home school him at five hours a week. But I have found a school, Soaring Heights which appears to really meet his needs. He is on the autism spectrum and yet the school is telling me, that school is for people with autism. What are they missing? He is perfect for this school and should he get in and not make it, then at least   everything will have been done,
         Now what is needed once again for children with behavioral problems is early vocational training.
There are so many things to teach children and it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg-Schools don't ever put football on the back burner do they? But they will put troubled kids on the back burner. So I say to all parents, call the Education Law Center, don't quit! You are all your child has.

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