Saturday, January 2, 2016

St. JUDES Childrens Hospital Challenge !

     I have not been personally touched by St. Judes in a way that families are who bring their children there, and don't know anyone who has. But this makes it no less urgent.
    When I learned many years ago that St. Jude does not charge for  medical care, housing , travel or food, I knew that would always be my main charity. St. Jude started many years ago, 1962, at a  time when only twenty percent of children survived, now it's eighty percent. On average 94,900 children are treated yearly.
      How much do we spend on lottery tickets, cigarettes, latte? Magazines are so expensive and all of our personal hobbies and habits. We worry about fancy sneakers, brand name clothes, new cars, trips and things that would mean nothing if we lost a child. What if this was your child?
     I donate often, but now realize I got off track, so I will make sure to send a check monthly, on my birthday. They are asking for 19. a month. NINETEEN ! I know many cannot afford that, but many more can. People go to bars, have gym memberships, take cruises,  buy high priced furniture, and buy all kinds of lessons for their children, themselves, karate, music, art and more. Restaurants are filled with people eating out. Skip that once a month and send to St. Jude-I am.
    Maybe in a family members name,donate 19.00 monthly. please help St. Jude, a partner in hope.

By the way, I bought power ball tickets and I hope I win, if only to give half to St. Jude. After all, who needs that much money when it will benefit the lives of so many children. We have great doctors and research scientists.. Let's help them help our children.

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