Friday, January 8, 2016

A Jewish Dream

      I know ! A Jewish Dream ? How weird is that? I'm not even Jewish, but who cares.  So here it is: Suddenly I found myself in an apartment or house, couldn't really tell and i Was a teenager again wearing penny loafers which I did wear as a kid, and a long print dress, which I never wore. My hair was shoulder length and more curly at the bottom and I wore bangs. I never had bangs except as a five-year old.

     Well inside this home was gathering of a lot of people, all in their mid twenties to late thirties and me. Someone was missing, the old man. I didn't have any idea who the old man was or his relation to anyone yet. I walked around the people, looking and listening. Everyone was drinking, what they were drinking I couldn't tell. Glasses were clear. It was crowded and so much chatter was going on. Then the old man came in.
       He was so slender, wore a dark suit and shirt. He had a hat on and took it off when he came in. He was stooped over, but not sing a cane or walker. He was shaking his head and nodding, looking about. I went to him and asked why he was gone so long. Hands up he said, look, why would I want to be here? This is family ? We walked and sat at an old wooden table. I asked if he wanted something to eat. He took out another round hat and placed it on his head. He said, no, I cannot what they  have on plates, that every hand gas touched, so unclean.

      He asked me if I had a candle. I went to my room-oow I had a room-took out a candle, matches and gave to the old man. He lit the candle and said a prayer for family, old values and traditions. He took me to the refrigerator and showed me how the food was all scattered and then a hand reached around him grabbing lunch meat off a tray. The old man said, see, unclean. A man standing at the sink came to us and said hello dad, I'm happy you're here. Why said the old man, what is here for me anymore? look at what you have done to our Jewish family, traditions gone, dress gone, values gone, food gone. Have you forgot? The son looked sad, walked to the people in his home and asked everyone to leave. As they trailed out, he returned to his father and said, I'm sorry dad and I woke up as I was walking away in my dream.

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