Friday, January 8, 2016

Muscle Maker Grill ! WOW, Undercover Boss

       I just finished watching Undercover Boss. I barely paid attention to name so all I can say is this:they guy who has owned it for two years now is a big softee. At the end when they showed him and Justin talking, suddenly the boss said, I have an idea for you...well I think that was an emotional spur of the moment blurt, but still a great one. He offered this young college kid his own franchise when he graduates and gave him money to boot helping now with books and expenses.
    Muscle Maker Grill  looks awesome and I wish they had them in Pennsylvania. But once I head north to relax a bit, I'll look up one in Staten Island or Jersey. Good Job Boss. Oh, that guy who is working 16 hours a day, you never really called him out on his lies.

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