Monday, January 11, 2016

Doctor/Produce Bills-Blue Zones

       Inch by Inch I feel my jeans aren't as tight as they were a week ago. Grocery shopping has taken on a new meaning. I can buy a few turkey breasts, frozen of course, a bunch of apples that I never buy already bagged, pears which are great for you, and any other fruit and vegetables  that I know I will use fresh, and not waste. Buying frozen vegetables I also do with frozen blue berries, a few bags at a time
    The idea is eating better saves going to the doctor, as you are now healthier. You don't have to live in a BLUE ZONE to create a Blue Zone life. Blue Zone living is eating what grows naturally, move naturally, faith and friends/family. Sounds easy? It is, but not at first if you're used to eating like I was. too much pizza, eating out, ice cream, convenient store stops for coffee and whatever.
    We all can use to improve our faithful living. It does help as ell as a circle of friends and family. Choose those friends who think and eat and live like you do. Move  naturally means, you don't have to join a gym, but sure if you want to, do. Stock up so you're not tempted to eat out or buy quick meals from a convenience store. Good Luck...oh I almost forgot....those doctor bills piling up, the pharmacy costs,  and endless trips for the doctor and pharmacy-will just about disappear when you live a Blue Zone life.
Blue Zones come from areas where people have rates almost zero of cancer and heart disease. They are usually hot areas where fruit and vegetables are plentiful. You can buy what ever is in season, and you can also grow your own, even in apartments, on fire escapes, back yards, community gardens. Seek and ye shall find:)

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