Thursday, January 7, 2016

My 9 Day Food Test

       I have had enough ! This didn't start out as a test, but looking at the past nine days, it seems to be that anyway. Stress, food, exercise, happiness, weight control, time management, all in one. But again, that didn't start that way.
     I take care of a child who has been in and out of schools, emotional problems and again waiting  for another school to be found. So he was away and it was time for him to come home again. This time going to get him, I wasn't s upbeat and hopeful as I usually was on other trips. My think was, here we go again and why am I still doing this?
    Anyway we arrived home and just managed the way to a few days before New Years Eve when I decided to grocery shop, like I haven't done in a few years. I also put my firm foot down, more than before. He would no longer spend my time because he put himself in this situation. He is a cute and lovable little guy, yet after two years, something or someone has to give and it felt like me.  Two day before getting him, I woke with a painful and stiff neck adding to my, well to my feelings about it all.
      Well I and he as well went on a plant based way of eating. This I tried three years ago and felt great, no kids in the house. In a month I lost25 lbs without feeling like I was trying. So here I went again and this time, was not buying different foods for this guy. He gained a lot of weight when he was away and he's short. So seven days pass, I lost seven pounds and then thinking I may be depriving him, buy some ice cream and pizza and a donut each. Horrible, just horrible ! Before I indulged I started to sleep better, keep better hours, was popping up off my chair, moving around like crazy.
    Then I indulged and God help me, I just wanted to sleep most of the day and my energy was zapped. I'm not joking. I felt like crap. Well this happened between yesterday and today. I don't want to move. I only want to sit and watch TV. I'm now finished with bring crap into the house for good.
  Tomorrow I wake up and eggs, sweet potatoes wait for me and I them. I made beef broth from a shin bone, have fresh vegetables. Imagine. I just can't wait. Roasted cauliflower ? Never thought I would love that before ice cream. I do.

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