Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Alzheimers, US Ranks # Two Highest world wide-WHY?

    After seeing B. Smith on Dr. Oz yesterday I was curious about Alzheimer's, senility, dementia, call it what you want. We as an AMERICAN nation rank the second highest in the world. LOOK IT UP! WHY ? Why are we and about a dozen other countries so high with our citizens having Alzheimer's while most other countries are so very low.
    Having such a low rate with Alzheimer's means less medical bills, less personal care, less deaths and more. What are our researches NOT DOING that other countries are. We need to know ! We need to learn ! Now, not in a few years. Is this once again about money and med costs ? After all, many are old, so why bother ? But many young people are getting this awful disease in their thirties to fifties. We need answers now !
       A lady like B. Smith who gets Alzheimer's is in an odd way fortunate, only because she has money, so her husband/companion takes care of her in style. He makes sure she eats a healthy diet, works out, gets on a treadmill and socializes and also does reading/writing exercises as well as take her meds. Then there are those who don't have the money or insurance, so what happens to them? They will go into  a city nursing home. We know how most of those places are and we have heard horror stories. If you own a home, they go back five years and will take every penny you have left. Sure you should pay if you can, but isn't this part of whats wrong in our country?  So if you sold your home four years prior and possible gave money to your kids, gambled it, went on vacations and just don't have any left but can't prove what you did with your own money at that time, what will a nursing home do?
    What alternatives do we have?

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