Monday, January 4, 2016

Doctor Bills ? Apples ? ! CBS-Charlie Rose

            I know you've heard it all before, but I have never heard a newscaster say to a doctor, but isn't this all the same. On CBS my favorite morning relaxing show,  a doctor was on with another book. At the end of the chat, Charlie Rose asked what we were mostly all thinking-isn't this just more of the same and mentioned what it takes to just stay healthy.
   I've know forever, like we all do what it takes to be healthy-"WE" just don't use self-discipline. This doctor stated, Carbs at the end of the day. Because your sugar spikes so mainly better to have that happen at dinner time when you know it will go back down so you can get to bed relaxed. In his book he also tells what are the exact foods that are higher in protein, that we need early. I know, other books have that also.
     Seven days ago I started plant based-not fully-I know me. But I have now lost seven and a half pounds. I didn't, am not doing it for weight control, although to be honest, I look like  a female quarterback-lol
     I am doing this because I remembered how I felt three years ago when I was first shown a film at my sons father-in-laws home-OUR FOOD, ( not the film name) what we eat is horrible. I know we love junk and it's about turning your life, your hard earned money into what they were, are, both meant for, 
                                                                        LIVING !
       It's much easier to make a 5 qt. crock of chicken, use the broth after you chill it a day, remove the fat, and pull apart the chicken also the next day, and add bunch of fresh carrots, a bag of frozen vegetables. That fed me and my little guy six meals. He is 14. He ate apples, and I gave us both flat bread to share, not with every meal. I will do the same with beef, make my own broth rather than use store cans or waxed containers with preservatives.a
     PLEASE, don't think I won't have pizza, ice cream and mac n cheese-sometimes, maybe once a week, choosing between pizza and mac n cheese.
     So In closing-DECIDE, where will your money go ? To Build a big house for your doctor ? Food as Medicine, it's own preservative or to the doctors, pharmacies, and hospitals or nursing homes. DO you want to be an ABLED person or DISABLED?

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