Friday, January 22, 2016

Rikers 45,000. Per Prisoner

    That's the cost to keep one prisoner each year at Rikers in New York. By now that may have gone up. So I wonder why these no goods are being paid to work there? Why? First they break the law costing taxpayers, then go to prison and continue to cost taxpayers and yet the trash gets an education, free medical and dental, haircuts, prison clothes, showers-yes shower-waters cost money- food, phone calls. This is BS, yet we as citizens are told if we don't educate them, they will get out and repeat.
   I really believe, put them in an ARMY uniform and give them a real education by dropping this trash off in war zones. Go in cowrads, come out men. Prisoners are nothing but cowards who can't face life ! You want a free pass, defend your country you slime, and we also need to bring back the electric chair!

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