Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dear Mr. Trump

        I hope you are sincere about running. From day one I thought this was to wake up America which you did, get people excited which you did and trip people up, which you did. Look now at how those who are your opponents are finally showing some guts, not a lot but some. That southern guy now wants to bash your brains in? That's a joke. People are worried about you. They think as I have been told, that you are crazy and will get the United States in big trouble. Are they kidding ? We're already in big trouble!
    Listening to Glen Beck who I never listen to, well he made sense about our money and I finally understood things. Neither am I political, smart enough to have a political argument  but I know that there are many who would love to argue things with me because they do know I can't answer most questions, so my two answers are this: Look at who is running the white house, an almost all Muslin team-and-vote for an individual, not the party.
      I have watched liars in government when I worked in Mental Health, former Gov. Rendell who promised to better MH systems, only to get elected and close down hospitals and have thousands of mentally ill people walk the streets. Greed is the cost of our AMERICAN Failures-in my opinion, GREED!
   I know you know we need so many things changed and every person is not looking at the larger picture but at what will affect them, their children and grandchildren, not the US as a whole. MY son voted for Obama, gave me issues he fought for-I know nothing, can't fight/argue with him as he is intelligent, but would love to hear him with someone his equal. His main issue is Obama care, that because a friend was deeply helped by it, Thar's good enough. I get that passion and would probably feel the same, but now I know better.
    After receiving an e mail about Obama's team, I know this White House that belongs to the AMERICAN people has been tainted by those who walk along side Obama.
   A side note-Hollywood complains about you being a billionaire (Access Hollywood) saying you are buying the Presidency-how stupid was that statement? Did that female forget all of the millions & more Hollywood pours in liberal Democrats to get into office? I guess her hair is so saturated with spray she can't think straight.
To be fair, men feel the same way in Hollywood, Toupee's too tight!
      BY the way, I am the same person who tweeted and blogged about money of yours on the unclaimed property site. A last note, would love a big discount for a two night stay for a friend of mine in Brooklyn who drives a van for special needs kids, but very down on her luck. She should have been able to retire five years ago.

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