Sunday, August 9, 2015

M. Kelly, H. STERN & her Breasts , Billy Clinton

       All of you whom are upset at Donald Trump for saying what he said and not what you all insinuated he meant, which is a world apart, why don't you read M. Kellys' interview with HOWARD STERN from 2010?
       I like Kelly as an anchor but as someone to interview presidential candidates? She can't compare at all to others ahead of her. In her interview with Stern she answers about what her husband thinks about her breasts, he thinks their killer bees, she joked. and went onto to answer about her husbands penis. She was mad, angry, upset or harmed in any way. Kelly knew exactly what going on/ Stern means, but then we have Donald Trumps response to how she behaved with her questions about his personal life.
    This amazes me. People weren't this angry when Billy Clinton used the white house, our white house as a  place to get a blow job! Priorities? Political sides? What's wrong with this scenario? It's okay about Billy boy, its okay with Stern, but it isn't okay when Trump actually only said something that OTHERS interpreted!
      People, you should decide what offends you, who offends you and be honest about it. If you werent offended about billy boy and oral sex  at the whte house with an intern, and you're not offended that an intelligent news anchor would even entertain the thought of going on Stern, then cut the crap, stop looking for fake excuses about Trump.
    BY the way, has anyone thought maybe Donald Trump doesn't even want the white house, but wants' to wake up AMERICA, and now, now look at what you're waking up to, Kelly. Everyone is finally starting to show emotion and that is thanks to Mr. Trump.

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