Thursday, August 27, 2015

Meter Tickets & Towing, Anywhere, Anytime

       Hey People! The holiday weekend is upon us and those meter maids and tow trucks will be out in full force as well as the police. If you break the law you deserve it! I know we all either foreget to put money in the meter as time is up, but don't gripe when you get ticket. While they enjoy it we don't, but it's our own fault for not being on top of watching the time.
     On the show in Philly, Parking Wars shows one woman, meter maid, said she had a quota to meet of 30 tickets a day and was bothered she only handed out 29! She said that was her personal goal. NOW that statement alones shows how much some of those meter maids enjoy ticketing. Hey it keeps them working. Booting is another story. More than THREE outstanding tickets will get your car booted and its not worth it-PAY IT! Don't let fines and fees add up. PAY IT!

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