Saturday, August 8, 2015

Erick Erickson, OINK YOU.. DEviant who?

      Trump is right again. Only someone with their mind on a females privates, monthly, period would think that is what he meant. Even if that is just what he meant that isn't what he said. So now you are mind readers. Take responsibility for your own thoughts and don't make them someone elses'. now Erick Erickson, you? uninvited TRUMP-You are just looking for some popularity for a particular group, Transgender, Gay, Obese, Woman's alliance ? I don't know what, but it is possible you may run for something in the future, so if you want to run-get in shape because it seems all that you can move is your mouth.
     Now why isn't this party sticking together and saying either nothing or what the reality is, he didn't mean what people like Erick is trans ferring. He meant only what he said, yet people enjoy  twisting hings and the Demo s love it-the LIBERAL's love it! The liberals, like OBama who is part of the biggest problems this country has ever had along with congress, Hillary and billy boy got us in to.
   An added note, although I mention the above groups, I don't have anything against any of those groups, only if Erickson was part of one which would hurt them immensely.
    Has anyone, any feeble minded person ever thought, maybe, just maybe Donald Trump is trying to get people excited? Instead you attack. Finally you are angry, but at what, at who? Not this F'd up government, but Trump, a dentist who killed lion, and causes that yes, we need to be mindful of, but for GODS SAKE, get off your asses and get this lousy congress out with that guy in the white house and BUILD AMERICA up AGAIN!!!

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