Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Chaka Fattah & Foster Child

       Some years ago, I was allowed to take a foster child, a male to meet, and visit with rep. Chaka Fattah. Yes, I did see the headlines today on line and so it brought back the visit to his office. I wanted this little boy who is African American to see where his life could go, should he do right, take the education that is out there and maybe one day he too could be in politics. Here's what happened.
   We started off getting a fancy haircut with CF initials cut into his hairline, bought  nice slacks and dress shoes and a dress shirt. It was summertime and we just couldn't find a suit. This kid looked sharp and he was very shy when it came to speaking.
    Well we started off to Washington, excited to meet a representative. I explained what I thought that position was. Close to his office I get a call that the congressman is running late and could we arrive a little later. Sure that was fine. Traffic wasn't moving well anyway and I needed to learn where I was going and where to park.
     Finally, we go to the meeting and are greeted by his assistant, a very pretty woman, terrific personality and his whole office is very welcoming. My little guy who was twelve at the time, just smiled and nodded. This kid also loved football. Mr. Fattah had a football on a credenza that he received form a man in Philly who played on the team one year, think his name was Napolitano? That became a topic of interest between the congressman and the child who sat across from the desk of this well dressed man. Fattah's assistant sat to his right on a sofa taking notes.
    During some talk, the child was asked if he had siblings and yes, he had many,, also in foster care spread out all over . We talked about Education and Mr. Fattah promised the child he would give 100,000. out his his own pocket for his education, if he stayed in school and didn't get in any more trouble. He was asked his birthday, favorite color, football team and a few more questions. His assistant said she would send him a jersey for his birthday.
    Back to family. At that time the congressman called out a young lady who was working on a project that the congressman said was important to him, that siblings see each other more, as my child rarely saw his siblings. Then out comes the secretary with a few questions and mentioning a camera and how my little guys story would be front page for the topic that office was working on. STOP!
    I said nope, sorry. Since he is with children and youth that can't happen. Children who are in care and under the guardianship of C&Y cannot have picture taken in public and stories like they wanted, written up.
Well they all said they understood, asked if we wanted to go to lunch and told us where to go in the building. Heck, I thought at least we'd be treated to lunch, not one dime, coupon or reserved space.
    Aft re lunch we went back to the office and talked a little more but now it was about football, that football, how Fattah got it, all shook hands and said good-bye.
     Tome passes and the child had to leave my care but I stayed in touch with him and found out he never received anything from that office, not even a card for his birthday. I e mailed the secretary, told her how I felt, the promises made about ajersey, questions asked about his birthday and no wonder kids don't trust adults. This is a man he can look up to? These were people to respect? She promised she would send him something if I didn't say anything. I agreed. As a foster mom, life went on, more kids and one day I had a chance to visit that little guy and asked him if he ever got a jersey. No, he said, I got a pen and pad. Nice.
   I have to add, I am still thankful that kid did a meet up with Fattah, as chnaces are he won't see anything negative to dismiss anything positive. That kid no works a lot of hours, plays hard, works hard, so who knows where life will take him? Maybe a pro player, kind of what we have in congress now.

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