Thursday, August 27, 2015

More than Gun Control, McVeigh, Jim Jones, Terrorists, Illegals

        Every time we have a murder by gun, people want gun control. Where were they before they were personally touched by this? I know, this sounds cold, but the fact is, this is more than lack of gun control. Our American citizens die by illegal guns, joining cults, Illegal drugs, legal drugs, alcohol, terrorists and now of course and as usual Politicians jump on this and as I saw Hillary Clinton reading from a speech prepared, looking at it sideways, thinking we are stupid and can't tell she is reading off a paper. That's not from the heart !
    Look at our penal system, our whole way of life has to change. We have things that have been happening over and over for years only now it's worse because the population has grown. Our mental health system is only okay. Everyone appears to do what they can. Our education system is failing, yet maybe they too are doing as well as they can with what they have.
    How many of our own citizens have bombed our own citizens and look at the Jim Jones Massacre and that guy, forgot his name who also had a cult school, blew them all up, then the uni bomber and we have crazies out there molesting our kids, people in trust positions. We are living in a sick and crime filled nation and crooked politicians do not care. They have had enough time to show they do, and they haven't shown anything except how to fill their pockets, get more entitlements for themselves and spouses and screw the public.
     Kids want to go to college to better themselves but get out owing many, many thousands of dollars in student loans and in debt with credit cards because the new students books are filled with applications for  , a new credit card. Then they get/receive too much in loans and grants. Kids are kids and all that extra money looks good. IT can be controlled but no, banks and colleges work to get students into debt.
     The next big topic will be whatever tragedy happens and hits the news. When a bunch of boys rape a college girl, that will be the next biggest thing, a group of kids commit suicide by layng on a train track, that's new until, kids are molested at a day care, and then again, drugs will be the next politicians topic of the day.
     So what do we do and how do we fix things? Be really careful in who you vote for and why. As parents, keep your kids close to you as much as possible, and don't chastise them when they open up about awful things they've done, because you've done it too probably, but let it become a way to help. Things always start at home. Know as much as you can who the friends are, what they're like. Learn about Mental Illness, and learn some more. Let friends come over, have snacks, supper, let them gather in the living room, and you just pop in and out. Always let them know you only love, love, love them and will help, help and help some more. Go to them once in a while, ask for their thoughts, make them important too. join a gym together, take art, swim, knit, men and ladies, ask for math help and love them again.
 Well that's good enough for now. Get a good nights sleep.

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