Sunday, October 25, 2015

CVS Baltimore Pike, Lowballing CVS

       Yesterday, Saturday, I stopped in at CVS with a child. This was a long trip that we take once or twice a month, located on Baltimore Pike in PA. Usually we stop there, but a few snacks, a drink and go. The little guy I had with me was due a reward for something and I promised him 40. to spend. I also needed a certain soap, perfume, a few snacks and we were about to purchase items but I noticed he wanted cars which were LISTED as only one Price, 5.99. These cars were nice and I bought them many times for other kids. This little boy is sitting on the floor going through his choices and then pick up a larger station wagon, and a bigger truck or car.
        I told him, "I think they must cost more but the sign does say 5.99" I should have, I should have called the manager, but we had a meeting time and now these bigger toys did not have a price on them, just the sku code. Again I thought, well if they were more they would put two prices up and or at least price the different priced toys what they actually were.
     The boy is now all excited to get these toys, keeping him occupied and wanted to show off at the appointment. We get to tehecounter and the man tells us, these are a different price-NOW GET THIS-first he says a different price- then I ask but how much of a different price-he tells me, I don't know but I know they're not 5.99-I ask again, well what do they cost, Now he says they have to be 9.99.... at that point I was done. They have to be...?
          This guy at noon time was guessing and at the cost of a little boys emotions. I didn't yet grab the perfume which you would need to get a clerk to open the case, but I did have more, all adding up to a little over fifttydollars. That way of pricing is called low-balling, the same as auto dealers do= unfair pricing/marketing. They hope a child whines, complains, cries so a mom or dad etc. gives in and buys the toy. My child is old enough to know that won't help. I put, left everything on the counter and told him, we don't buy from people who do this kind of pricing, let it be known out loud it was low balling. No don't give me crap and say it was a mistake. NONE of the larger cars were priced any different. There was one priced tag on top of the case in yellow and black 5.99.... We were cheated ! He, a child was cheated !

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