Saturday, December 31, 2011

If I Die, At Least I'll smell good!

      Happy New Year Everyone. Not sure where I'll be. Probably home resting this lousy cold that's taken a lot out of me. Yet I am a Viking. Onward I go. Okay so enough of that.
      I spent most of the day at a hospital with a boy who really manipulated the system to go away , to be nurtured, fed, taken care of, get a lot of aww's, snacks and watch TV in bed. He messed up the holidays for his family and when he couldn't go back for New Years Eve, he decided to create a lot of turmoil, just enough to bring police, but not get arrested, just enough to cause concern if what he was doing was indeed serious or sending a message, do what I want or I'll....well we were told at the hospital it's all behavior, that he is just getting what he wants at the expense of society, family and much needed personal. (Is a spanking in order?)
     When the last straw happened and I had to take him in, well just before that I was able to sneak in a shower and knew I was going to be there quite a while, so what did I do? I sprayed myself with my new perfume, Krystal!:)
      This is an old favorite that you can only buy on line and my daughter bought it for me. Even in the emergency room people who were near me were sniffing. ( no not from a cold) Then I stopped at a local convenience store, passed two men, and one gave me a, wow you sure smell good. Of course he was about ninety, but I'll take it. On the way out he said, can I get a little closer and get a good whiff. I said only if you marry me. I went smiling out the door wishing I did my hair too.
    Well now I know, if I die tomorrow, at Least I'll smell good. Happy New Year Everyone.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Norwegian Plaid: Snickers Commercial Don't Buy Ladies and

Norwegian Plaid: Snickers Commercial Don't Buy Ladies and: Have you seen it. I barely noticed it until... until I saw a woman standing in what appeared to be a logging field and suddenly and so...

Snickers Commercial Don't Buy Ladies and

     Have you seen it. I barely noticed it until... until I saw a woman standing in what appeared to be a logging field and suddenly and so fast a log came at her from the side htting her in the head knocking her out.
    First this is just so viloent and directed at a woman. I won't even get into the obvious part concerning women and violence, but what about the kids watching this crap? I would bet they sat there laughing. Just like cartoons which are very violent to keep a childs attention and they sit and laugh silly, this too, a candy commercial is supposed to bring attention to buy their candy. No Thanks!
    I loved to buy the Snickers ice cream-after this commercial, no more!
Snickers will never again be purchased by me or brought into my home! Good going snickers.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Absentee Parent

       Without getting into specific people, this can pertain to many kinds of parents. Some parents who are not in a child's life may be due to serving our country. Others because of jobs move across the country and then financially have a hardship and still others in the midst of a divorce create so many bad feelings that one or the other parent makes it difficult. Yet we still have another kind of parent. When one spouse, or ex-spouse simply can't pay the child support ordered, the custodial parent holds visits. Okay I get the bitterness and I get needing support, but I don't get using a child to see a parent. That goes for any parent.
        Be fair, and try harder. There are more parents who are also absent, but I have to leave them out of here. But those of you who can't for whatever reason be with your children, stop damning the people who are with your kids.  Those who take care of kids yours or not yours, are doing so because you don't or can't. I know custody is a right and a privilege and sometimes one parent doesn't get custody simply because they don't earn enough. Yet while in a marriage it was always okay to earn less as long as needs were met. Then the road to destruction happens and suddenly names are called, accusations made and children get left out.
Then children come right back into it when it comes to support.
        The non-custodial parent needs by all means to support the custodial parent, unless of course the custodial parent is never home, leaving kids unattended, spending support on them selves, kids not going to doctors, being left alone etc. etc. Then you need to make a sure-fire plan on how to get your children back. You have to have a plan that says, I can afford to do this. If you can't afford it, talk to family and friends. Just get help and support and stop criticizing parents or caretakers when you're not doing such a hot job yourself.There is plenty of help to be found, just never give up, and I know these are your children so you do want to be particular and it may be easy for me to say. Think again. I don't mouth off unless I do know just what I'm talking about. Yes, it's hard, it's very hard. But what are your options? Give up? Walk away as if you never had anything to do with bringing a child into the world?
    Lots of parents do that, more men than women and both are just as guilty of neglect and should have their stuff all tied up for good, never to have another chance at bringing another child in the world just because, well one didn't work but I'll do better this time crap-screw you! Now go and make a difference with your children and do it right.

My Friend Sandy , Brooklyn to a Tee

      I met Sandy in School and we became fast friends, well almost. She was a friend of my sister first, but later when we met we knew we had more in common. Both a tad bit off :) we knew we could confide, joke the kind of jokes our parents wouldn't appreciate and talk about boys, also something our parents wouldn't want to know about. We also went to church every Sunday, not the same one, but we went.
     Sandy and I had a couple things of great importance in common. We both babysat our siblings; she her sister and me my brother. The big difference was Sandy was allowed to do her school work. Her parents stressed that came first. We both also lived in a brownstone house on the same street, same side, top floors and went to the same Grammar school. Sandy and I were also tall girls who had crushes on teachers we'd giggle about before and after school, and on weekends too. Oh okay all the time.
    Sandy and I were friends with some adults on the block because we also both couldn't go out like many kids. Our parents were strict, but by no means with the same interest in mind for us. I'm not going into that here. It would just tarnish this article, but I will say, I always had a lot of respect for Sandy's parents, still do. Hey San, if you're reading this, I still would like another trip to Dunkin Donuts with your mom. Boy did we all laugh that night. Your mom is a good person and I used to wish she was my mom.
    Anyway, each time except the last Sandy and I would meet at the Salty dog with her son, my Kev. Her husband came along once I think, but you know how it is with friends. You can be more free to vent, chat laugh your silly self stupid with memories. It's just a freedom you don't have with your kids or spouse especially when you talk about growing up years and stuff. You know, stuff.
    Sandy I am coming up the weekend of my birthday and unlike last year, we are going to the Salty Dog-come on San, we have to! Please?
Friend? Sandy remember those talks with Mr. Korsun and the trip to Long Island with Karen too, to see Mr. Vitalo. Oh hey, guess what, I just got a card from Mrs.V.-that was such a happy day for me. Then Jenny came up for Christmas, and I told her, showed the card and she too was happy. They sure made a good pair San.
     Well San, I'll see ya soon, before we know it, I'll be there. Back in Brooklyn where, My Heart Still Beats; Name of my book coming out in the Spring. Sandy, have a good relaxing week off. You deserve it friend.
Sandy those walks on the block and trying to be so quiet so out siblings didn't hear, the promises we made to them if they would just be quiet so we could talk? Well that was fun. We were always thinking about how we could say what we wanted without our sister or brother knowing. Not that we'd do anything wrong, just the kid crush stuff.
MR. J 7& Mr. V.-we'd compare our likenesses, and yet over the years I know we both still think about those crushes, how those men were like knights. Those men who gave us examples of what to look for in men, but did we? :) Later San, see ya soon, Nance.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Eve of Chrstmas Eve....looking for a tree

      Looking For a Tree

Driving here, up and down
East to West both sides of town
Looking for a tree just right
not to be found, out of sight.

Stopping once and once again
I looked for a tree and a stand
but not to be found here or there
I was ready to pull out my hair.

At last I found a store with trees
not much taller than my knees
but good enough it would be
for a family Christmas tree.

I took it home, and let it rest
while I cleaned, did my best
I  set it up in my old stand
but it leaned both East, then West.

We left today, went on a search
for a new stand my tree could perch
Took an hour then two more
until the stand was found and more.

We bought hot chocolate gifts cards too
some for us and some for you
trimmed the tree all day long
and sang the best Christmas songs.

I'll not wait for the Eve of Eve again
to find my needs like a Christmas tree stand
I'll start right now to buy galore
and stay away from a Christmas store.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dear Mr. Vitalo Jan.23, 2009-1400 Golf Lane Heaven

Jan.23, 2009
Dear Mr. Vitalo
1400 Golf lane
Last night I thought about you, again. I think about you just about every day of my life. Flashes of memories whiz past, and then I slow it down, taking time to remember. I remember the person I knew as a kid to be someone who had to be made in God’s eyes. There were times I wondered, how is it a man such as yourself could be so true ? I’m still in awe of you. So tell me Mr. Vitalo, how are you doing up there? Did God make a special place? Of course He had to. Knowing He has many mansions, I’m sure yours is decorated with golf bags, clubs, and shiny golf balls that sparkle when you hit a hole in one.
Oh Mr. Vitalo, I did go back to the house after you passed away. I sat with Mrs. Vitalo, and your daughter and met two grandchildren. As I came into the house I saw your chair was missing, and right away Mrs. Vitalo knew I was looking for it. She watched my face as I looked around and felt not only my heart breaking, but an emptiness envelop me. She looked sad, yet smiled. I felt her sadness, and promised myself not to cry. How could I let myself cry? Oh God, your house was so empty without you. But Mr. Vitalo, you left a life filled with wonderful people ,and there I sat before them, leaning now on the arm of a chair, as well as your wife‘s strength. Now it was as if I was sitting to your left. Before when I came to visit you and Mrs. V. I always sat across from you. It still hurts.
Now here I was sitting and talking with your wife and daughter trying so painfully to keep the well of water from my eyes, and stop the burning in my chest. Your daughter heard her son come down from a nap, and I watched him wipe away the sleep from his eyes, asking his mom about who I was. Then it hit, and I couldn’t hold it in any more. She said, well this is Nancy, she went to school where Grandpa was a principal. He just barely nodded and snuggled up to his mom. I felt my head lower as tears started to slide down, my heart crushing knowing I was in this house, and your wife sat so supportive and as I apologized, she said, it’s okay Nancy. Then your daughter also said, Nancy, you go ahead and cry, we’ve been crying for months.
Your wife sat where I usually sat when I came to visit. I know, I keep talking about the place we sat. She just looked at me, sad and yet waiting. I stopped, but sniffled like a baby. I just couldn’t get over the empty space, not the house, but that too. The space you left behind in everyone’s heart. How could your wife appear so calm? I was hurting for her. But you know all this don’t you. You know what a great woman your wife is. Mr. Vitalo, I stayed a little while and talked, but that chestful of hurt wouldn’t leave, and all I could think about was, why you? God didn’t need a golfer. He didn’t need a principal, teacher, father, husband, grandpa, friend, and neighbor. God has enough already. Why you? These things went through my mind as I sat with some of your family, but yet I remained quiet about how I felt. My eyes didn’t even want to look as Mrs. V. I knew she had to be so lonely without you. The two of you were a pair made in Heaven, and now she sat alone. Then waves of the rest of your family went through me losing their dad, their best friend, and the grandkids losing you. Too many people lost you. I questioned myself, wondering how they were getting through your leaving ? Suddenly it hit me. They all shared the same faith. The faith they were raised in. That’s what would get them through this painful time.
Then Mrs. V. spoke about how the family all worked together to make it a peaceful time, sharing memories, moving a bed into the living room. She showed me photos. We smiled and tears slipped past me again, almost losing control. She went on with the photos, showing me the grandkids coming to you, the kids leaning over you and all taking turns sitting at and on your bed. She told me how they made a short movie of all the family together. I saw one photo of her holding your hand, leaning over, giving you a kiss.
But you knew all of that didn’t you, and you also knew you were leaving, and when. After all you told me. Remember? It was Good Friday.I woke up Good Friday Morning April, nineteen ninety-nine, too early. Sitting on my bed I could feel a wetness around my eyes. I got up, went to the kitchen and Jenny came out. Mom, what are you doing up so early? I asked her the same thing and her response was she heard me. So I told her. I told her about the dream; the way you called me to you to say good-bye. Even in my dream it was Good Friday and I was at your house with other people. You were lying in bed with a soft baby blue blanket, and a white sheet under that folded over the blanket. I was standing close by and you waved your left hand to me to come to you. As I stood closer you waved me down even closer, and
kissed me on the cheek, and said, I have to say good-bye. You closed your eyes, and it was then I woke up.
Jenny told me, mom you have to call the house and find out how he is. You know how you are with dreams. But I couldn’t, and told Jenny that I just couldn’t do that, not now. She pestered me saying, Mom won’t you be sorry if you don’t find out for sure? Yes, I would be sorry. Yet at the same time, I couldn’t bear to know he was gone, not for real. Something inside me felt I already said goodbye in my dream this Good Friday morning. and was too soon to do it again, and I knew they would call me. Mrs. Vitalo said they would call when the time was close, and knowing her, she wouldn’t go against what she said.
Jenny and I went about the day as usual doing whatever we would normally do, and still every once in a while she would say softly; mom, call, you know you want to. I just remained quiet. My own thoughts were enough. That night when I went to bed with my heart as heavy as sorrow could bear, my thoughts took me back to the first time I met him, and as tears quietly slipped down my face into the pillow, I went back to fifty-ninth street, To PS 140 and how I really met you.
But I don’t want to go into that now. All I think about is that Good Friday morning and how I just couldn’t pick up the phone. Later at your house I learned your daughter called but my phone was disconnected. That made sense as that’s how I was that day, disconnected. My heart, chest and eyes ached, not know yet knowing. You were too good to say good-bye to, and I just couldn’t bear the pain your wife and children would be in. I don’t think I’ll ever say good bye.
So long Mr. Vitalo, thank you, my children thank you too. I am because of you.

Mrs. Vitalo, It Really is the Little Things

 What a surprise I received today in the mail and like many years ago when my daughter got the mail and called me, I had to call her. Although from two different people who were married, and I still think of them that way even though Mr. Vitalo passed away in nineteen ninety-nine, I received a card from Mrs. Vitalo and I smiled and smiled.
   A best gift ever for sure.
I know when you talk about gifts with kids, and not all kids, it is the big things that matter, but as we grow, mature and have families of our own we know what counts and it doesn't come in a big package. That's how it was today. This was a small miracle.
      You see the address was wrong. It had a box number on it and an RD 2 in front of it. It was close to how my address was years ago, many years ago. Now my address is a plain four number address without any numbers at all as I used to have. However it was an easy mistake, the 1199AA-used to be 1119A-and in this area mail is not delivered to a wrong address without some return and a correction, a black line through it for sure. So why and how? How did someone decide I was that person meant for this card, this year. Why? Someone up there likes me?
      Mrs. Vitalo, I was always thankful to you for your graciousness . You were ever so kind to Jenny and I, inviting us into your home with Mr. Vitalo. I was the luckiest kid alive to know him growing up, and then, and then to re-meet him with you his wife and some family. Jenny and I had good times, laughs, lunches, hugs and for me, A Yellow Rose. One which Mr. Vitalo picked as you held Jenny back a little so I could talk freely. But I still choked, said little, and was just amazed that I was where I was.
     Mrs. Vitalo Jenny said when we left your home after that first time, Mom, now I know why you loved him all those years. I thought about saying that or not, but yes like many kids I loved him. Like many kids I didn't have a true male role model and it was that kind of thing.  He was a big brother, father, friend and mentor and minister. You know how kids grow and talk about their dads to their kids, well I talked to my kids about Mr. Vitalo. My son once said, Mom I only wish I met Mr. Vitalo.
        Then I told my son how Jenny and I went to the Island and met Mrs. Vitalo. I let Michael my son know how our visits were, and how Mr. Vitalo offered me a beer, saying, hey Nance want to have a beer with your old principal? Well I am sorry I passed that up and thought about it many times.
      Mrs. Vitalo, Thank you. Thank you for the time you gave to me and to Jenny. Even now she says mom, remember.... and we exchange stories about the Island visits.  Just as important and I know I'll misspell this, she loves to say tchotchkies. Anytime she looks for those little heart warmers, she'll call and say mom, I'm tchotchkie hunting. She got that from you. We remember meeting you after TJ Maxx at the Pizza place with that cool coat. You said oh this ol' thing. This is Nicks. I love it; he doesn't ever wear it anymore but it's just nice and comfy for me. It was a light reddish and grey plaid coat with beer barrel buttons and big square pockets. It fit perfectly.
      Well a lot of time has passed, and to let you know Jenny is taking Mr. Vitalo's advice as he said, Jen, Make your money while you're young. She is a go getter, single and living in Delaware. I sent you a couple of cards, and called a couple of times, left messages, but not sure if you ever got them so I decided maybe it was time for me to fade away. So to get this card today. Well Mrs. V. It was just like the first time when Mr. Vitalo replied after I sent him a note while at Penn State.
       Then came a sad time, so sad for you and all his family and anyone who knew him. Sitting in your living room some time later, surrounded by an unfillable void, I couldn't understand how good you could be to invite me; and with your daughter, your grandson all so kind. It was truly heartbreaking. Yet, even with that, you took me to an album and shared his last days with the family. He was so loved, as you are. I was humbled. When people talk about a love made in Heaven, they must mean the Vitalo's, all.
        Mrs. V. I hope to see you in the Spring or before. I love you, Nancy

How Yankee Candle Handled My Order

       I'll never buy another Yankee Candle. Sure we love them, and I won't say anything else except to tell you I used to buy them as gifts and for myself for a long, long time, but no more. There are other companies, better yet, I will find an AMERICAN CANDLE CRAFTER and order from them from now on. Actually I wouldn't have to order, just buy direct at a show.
       So my order. I went on line and saw many were out of stock. I ordered the little ones as a gift to add to gifts, and wasn't worried about them arriving for Christmas. As I looked over the pages of scents and saw my favorites were out, I ordered different scents which on line were available. Then it started. A few days after the order, I received an e mail, cold and to the point. Your order number#### has been canceled/out of stock. I thought well okay I can live with that, still thought why? It was in stock when I ordered. Then a day after that, another e mail of the same kind. Now it was Peach mango. Then the next day I received an e mail, yea! my order was shipped! So I accepted that I wasn't getting two favorites.
     You won't believe my next e mail from Yankee Candle which as I said I will never buy again. They don't care. They don't need me to make a million or ten. In that next e mail was, two of your orders have been canceled number### and number ###. WHAT the%#*#% is that about??? SO I end up with four little candles and pay 5.00 shipping. 
     AMERICAN CANDLE CRAFTERS, WHERE ARE YOU?  That other company isn't getting my business after they gave me "the business".

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Unapproachhable, Me? For Someone Special

Shore Road, by Nancy Costa

What a compliment I received
    How nice it was that he believed
        That I was unapproachable

Never it was That I couldn't be
someone to talk to, but not to see
  Because I was, approachable

However to that always a but
with a father upstairs who was a nut
who made me un-approachable

So now you see it wasn't me
but a lunatic you'd rarely see
he was unavoidable

   Looking here and watching there
I was under lock and key in fear
  The house was un-approachable

But even in my withdrawn way
I watched you walk every day
who I thought was-too much-able

I thought you were too cool for me
who would want this "kid" you see
I was undeniable

If we met and I was allowed
I would say, not my crowd
because he was just too yum-able

Some did say you were this and that
but I knew they didn't know bullcrap
Because adults are jealous of kids like you
who look so good and oh so cool
they don't take the time to look inside
or even wonder if he's that guy
but I always thought with your walk
you were more than your big talk
So I better stop now while I can
since your grown, a married man
happy now with a wonderful wife
living those old coots jealous life:)
                      P.S. You were John Travolta first!


The Pumpkin Roll Man

Pumpkin Rolls, Jelly Rolls and My Rolls

Okay so this isn't a place where you may want to stop for a pumpkin roll, but if you're in New York, The Cafe Napoli is a great place to eat. Now on with my rolls.

Years ago I tried a jelly roll to make 
I followed all instructions, and ready it was to bake
I slapped on jelly here and there
rolled in a towel like I do my hair
Then unwinding it ever so slow
so the Jelly roll would show
adding white sugar powder
I jumped and yelled louder and louder
I did it, I did it! Come and see
the Jelly roll I made for my family
but then I remembered, no one was home
and here we were all alone
Just the jelly roll and me
close to supper, I wanted to eat
But I knew soon they'd all come in
and I could show them my jelly roll win
A first for me and what a task
but where were they I would ask
when I got a call, they stopped by
to grab a bite, I let out a sigh
Soon, passed by, they didn't come in
and there I sat with my Jelly roll chin.
Never again did I make a roll
but ate them all winter through fall
alas again late last night
another stopped by for me to bite
This one was Pumpkin, I couldn't wait
like a fisherman taking the bait
In the fridge I let it chill
temptation called me, I lost the will
Quietly I went to that big cold door
a  creak could be heard on the kitchen floor
I went in for first and then for seconds
Because the Pumpkin roll always beckons
now I was too full to go to bed
so the thought crept in my head
go back again, you're still up
Thirds it was and milk in a cup!
Now you may wonder why this is so long
I write about food, the thoughts are strong
and pumpkin rolls a good neighbor too
go hand in hand with friends like you...
so now I say good night for a while
I'm eating more roll with such a big smile:)
Nancy Costa

Tony and Marie

Tony and Marie
Tears have dried on his face
His body shudders in disgrace
He lost his love late last night
She closed her eyes and lost the fight
A fight they had so long ago
Only then did this man know
As she walked away into the night
His love was drifting from his sight
His name was Tony, He loved Marie
Childhood friends meant to be
Joined in love from then till now
But each has broken their loving vows.
Afraid to be and refused to see
A love so strong and never free
From one another’s side Tony and Marie
fought for love, meant to be.
Scared were they to lose each other
A love so deep could only smother
So they fought night and day
Until Marie walked away
Now Tony cries, tears on his face
Angry words, he feels disgrace
His love has died late last night
Now Tony knows, they lost the fight.
If you liked this please click an ad, Thanks Nancy

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is this Thing Called Happiness?

       Merry Christmas Everyone! When you hear that how do you feel? What do you think? Do you just smile and say the same to you but inside feel like you just wish people would shut-up and go away?
        We don't ever know what's happening with our neighbors, friends and even family much less the strangers who greet us ringing bells or serve us at Restaurants and eve the clerks behind a counter. They happily ask, May I help you? But inside are thinking, just go away, and what's so good about holidays. We're not even supposed to say Merry Christmas anymore in many places.
        But how do we contain that feeling of real happiness or should we? No I don't think we should. Be as real and as honest as you can. But be as sensitive as your inner self tells you to be. You might see a dad shopping and you can just tell he has very little, may not be working and maybe his wife is sick or has passed away. So many possibilities, so tread gently into a life.
        It's hard not to be overjoyed when things in your own life are so perfect. but what about the others? Sure many make their lives they way they are and are happy in their own misery. Heck, they may not even be miserable. It's all relative. Then again some are miserable through illness, poverty, loneliness, job loss and what I think is worse than anything at all, a sick and dying child. Instead of expecting, let's try respecting. Just respect a person's life the way it is right now.  Don't look down on them because of how they dress, wear their hair or the car they own, or the obvious poverty in how their kids are dressed, no haircuts, shabby shoes and more. Just respect they are doing the best they can. Don't feel sorry for them, but ask them if they can help you. Let them know how much or how you can pay, but make sure to let them know also, you need the help.
      A first reaction may very well be even if they don't say it-you're just feeling sorry for me. They retreat knowing, knowing you think you're better and this takes care of your conscience. If you really feel like that, take a hike. No one needs pity, they need help. Most do want to work for it, so have Merry Christmas, be joyful, healthy, happy, silly and a little kid-like, and most of all remember how good you have it if you do. This is the season for giving-from your heart, not just your wallet. Jesus said so!

Yes, I am going PInk! The Method

       I know, if you know me you know I am not a pink person, and I'm not doing this because the Pink Method was on Dr. Phil today, but because I saw this woman, part of the Pink team about three weeks ago doing the exercises. I didn't know or even think about joining anything. She was at that time part of a gym, owned by a man, doing some Pink stuff, and I couldn't find much information at that time except going Pink. Nothing was available about buying a CD, but I still knew I could do those exercises.
        In the following weeks I saw this same woman, a small(of course) lady with long dark hair. She does part three of the exercise team. She was the one, not the leader who somehow made me want to know more. I saw the leader today and why I don't know, but if it was just her, I wouldn't have bought what I did. However the whole team was on Dr. Phil and in the middle of the show I signed up and on.
        During my grocery trip today I must have known I was making a change. I found myself buying sugar free jelly and seasalt. Over the past year I have been making slow changes, but ice cream always gets in my way. Butter Pecan is about my favorite. But I'll eat just about any flavor, after I am a Viking, Now I have to try harder. When I get my CD's and whatever else comes along, oh yeah a diet plan. Well we all know about diets and I do shop and eat well. I actually love all of the "good foods" but the ice cream...oh the ice cream.
     I'm not counting on the diet, but the exercise videos as they come in three phases. I'm anxious. I'm ready. I'm fat:) I know what not to eat, but I need to move more and do it in a way as to not injure any Viking parts.
     When the package arrives I will keep you posted and I'll be honest-however if you see me grocery shopping and notice I might have a half gallon, or three of Breyers ice cream-do not touch it. It may be hazardous to your health.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Moms & Dads Everywhere, The Good Ones

       How do you know if your a good mom or dad? I think if you have it together mentally then you know you are. Sometimes we don't know just what kind of a parent we were and are until they grow up and are on their own. You can also be the best parent in the world and have your kids turn out completely opposite  of your parenting job. All the love you have at times just doesn't help. Personally I believe it's the foundation which is set early on. Kids may wander from your beliefs, your role modeling, work ethics, and all that right and wrong stuff we teach them, but as they develop and encounter peer pressure, get out into the world, well they just end up doing what they want to do as individuals.
       We all know about rotten parents and wonder when we know a kids story, how did his kid turn out so good? They just decided not to be what and who they saw in their own parents. Good for them for standing up for a better life. I sometimes think it's those kids who are more thankful for the successes in life. Those kids more or less do it on their own.
       To all of those Good, Responsible and Wonderful Parents, the world is a better place. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, live long and...well you already have prospered.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Movie-A Young Adult

    I saw this movie today after seeing previews. What I saw was an "as usual" movie. The previews show a few good parts. This was all about a young woman, 37 years old, lives in Mini apple as they called it, is an alcoholic with a deep seated crush on her high school sweetheart. She goes back to the small town where she grew up, re=met her old BF, who is now married with a baby and wants to bed him down-again!
   She ends up meeting an old high school kid who had his locker next to hers all through HS, and of course she never noticed him. He is now using a cane, from a HS beating/hate crime. No not because he was fat, but because a rumor said he was gay, and he isn't. He was left with  a badly damaged leg and a crooked penis. Oh yeah, so exciting, He ends up with his young female friend in his bed in the basement after she got drunk again. She wakes up, talks to his sister and the sister tells her to go home and please take me with you to mini apple-this was after the Yong female alcoholic tells the sister I have s many problems and I'm an alcoholic. The sister solves all the old friends problems.
   She tells her, NO YOU'RE NOT!!! Look at the life you live and on and on. So after this big life boost the young "adult" goes back into the person she was when she first entered the picture, leaves the house to return to mini apple-polis...and that's how it ended.
     I rate this movie a C- not Worth the 6. bucks-yup just six, I went early, too early for ice cream, but I suffered:)

What I want for Christmas

       A royal blue truck two seater I say
       with a big box out back, hauling hay
   or carrying a storm door, won't fit in my trunk
         saw on sale a set of twin bunks
         I'll even take red a color I love
       I knew as kid from the stars above

     I'd see a red flash , was it Santa I saw
    or all of my daydreams left at the door
So I still wish and sometimes pray
for that great big truck coming my way
But I am happy to have what I do
 the love of my children, my only two.

I'll go a step more thinking about
a truck I want to not be without
yet I know who am I to deserve such a thing
but should it happen, 4 ever I sing
This is Christmas a season for giving
for me, for now, I thankful for living.

One more small note as I leave this page
on this Friday a week away
comes the reason as most do know
the gifts of giving should help others so
they start a new year with hope to grow
a new sense of faith and seeds to sow.

Merry Christmas Everyone, Everywhere...
P.S.    Please leave the truck outside my door

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christian FYE York Pa.

       Today I stopped in at the Galleria store in York, FYE, music and videos. As soon as I stepped in a young man named Christian greeted me, hands full and about to go in another direction. But I asked him where is that item-(yes, can't mention it in case the receiver of a gift sees this)and in a second flat he turned and showed me exactly where it was. No hunting for me. Christian made my day better. When you're in a hurry, having a time crunch it's nice to just get to business, and that was made possible by Christian. With a smile on his face and a sure I can help attitude It was a pleasure to shop there today and I will go back knowing someone like Christian is working there.
      Sometimes we shop and the employees are tired, having personal problems, or just having a day that they too would rather be shopping and not listening to a , can you help me voice. We know when they don't want to bother and it offends us. We think well maybe this isn't the job for you. Everyone is touchy when stressed with time, financial issues, family problems and or being alone during the holidays, so let's take a hint from Christian and smile, even if you don't mean it, it makes you feel better too.

Monday, December 12, 2011

What Romney should do with his 10,000.

     Imagine what we all could do with ten thousand bucks and how easy it is for some to want to bet that amount. Yes it went viral and who is asking, is that how you set an example of what a Christian man is? So here are a few ideas Mitt of what you can do with ten thousand:
    Donate it to St.Jude
    Open a small business for kids in crisis-kids would work it, gain self worth with learning business how to's
    Donate to Cancer-the American Heart Association
    Donate to the local food
    Add more to this list-next time Mitt open your wallet, not your mouth

TEBOW!!! What are we afraid of?


Good Morning America! What a great day this is! I know blah, blah, blah, enough good cheer. So I turn on the TV and it starts with the Sandusky news and again enough said.
    Then I hear and have heard about some guy named Tebow. I heard some say, have you tee-bowed lately so I though it was some kind of a new game. Yes, I think it is, and then I see football which I've come to enjoy at times. This kid is amazing and what happens next is about his faith and how he declares it, gives all the praise to God for winning. Photos' show him praying just before a win, not watching the team. Good for him!
    Some loud mouth, another player from a team slams Tebow with statements with, I just wish he'd shut up! Well maybe you should just shut-up. See, here we go again. Come on people, appreciate the Freedoms your countrymen and women have fought for; Your voice, your faith or no faith at all. No one should have to shut-up. You may not like what is said but we all have the same rights. What has happened over the years is too many rights have been taken away. Decide where you want to live, then either support, live and love it, or leave it !
     Yo TEBOW ! Go Man!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Example of a Father out of Control-Today

       Today I was to meet up with someone in North York. As I started to turn into a street from heavy traffic on George st. a man and two little boys, about five years-old were in the process of crossing. My car was at an angle waiting for him to move or not. But the man-oops male figure never saw me until his son looked at me. I noticed right away the boys cute coats, a blue plaid, but they were all looking down and walking at the same time. The father wore a black hooded sweatshirt and the hood blocked his view. You know when we see things from the corner of our eye? All he could see was his sweatshirt hood aka as a hoodie. I did notice he never stopped and turned to look like most do at corners.
     So here I was stopped, did start to go once when it looked as if they were stopped, but the first little boy stopped again, looked at me and backed up. I stayed still and waited for them to go, and before I knew it the man finally turns and looks and what happened next shook me. Never once was he holding his two little boys by the hand.

      He turned to stare at me and screamed, hood still up, skinny, frazzled looking, with a blondish goatee, like a young Donald Sutherland. Then his words came at me; what the F are you trying to do you stupid F'n B? Are you trying to run over me and my kids and kill us you F'n B? Then he spit. The wind took it away, but his face, his face so full of hatred and anger, flushed red beyond red, and so quickly.
      I waited wondering what would happen next as with every word he moved closer to the car. I had my phone, pushed 911, but not send, not yet. I thought if this guy had a rock or a gun, I'm sure the day would have ended much differently. His explosiveness came at such a rush as if he's been holding it in for a very long time.
That's what I kept thinking as he finally moved and let me drive on. I drove way past where I was to meet the other person, called them and changed the location to meet. If he went into Rutters I didn't want to give him another opportunity to continue, and me call the cops and have his little boys witness their father, out of control again.
       A few times today I wondered about that family. I wondered if possibly the father lost his job, my first thought, or why would someone act as deranged as he did today. Did he lose his wife, a parent or is someone in the family sick? I know how hard things are for parents but this guy, today he wasn't a parent. He was a person out of control. I'll think about those two little plaid coats for a long time, and just wonder.

This President Business-John Wayne, where are you?

       That old game show should be brought back...who do you trust?   What is happening and why can't we fix it? This is America and we are so far behind other countries, so we as voters need to fix it. My other question is...why don't we have more candidates ? Is it because too many have so many nasty secrets and don't want the exposure. Or are they running to just get rich? You'd be surprised how rich they get just from running. Research it if you don't believe me.
        I know for a fact that men in general are simply no longer the quality of men there once was, and no, I'm not a man-hater, well okay maybe a little, but ya can't blame me. Works both ways, so yes I know. Now, men and this country. Where are they? Some time ago at church I saw a pastor, a first, wear his military hat during a service as veterans day approached. Now that's a stand up man. he wasn't afraid of what people would say. This is a guy and  a church that appears to accept you just as you are.
      Our country doesn't seem to like it if a man also stands up for his faith. Are you stupid? That's what our country is about, FREEDOM! Find a JOHN WAYNE, Chris Kristie NJ ? But he won't run-uh huh. Where are our John Wayne's, Henry Fonda's, Clark Gables all . Hell even Katherine Hepburn. She was as tough in real life as in the movies-yes, I knew her personally. Sure I did.
         I would rather see Justin Beiber in office than the candidates we now have. Yes, that's how ridiculous these guys are. Notice I didn't say men. It's time to really Pray as a nation, and I'm not a Bible thumper as some would think because I said that. But prayer as a nation leads to other things as a nation, a coming together, a solution. We can do it America, find that man. Where's the courage? Oops, sorry ladies, or find that woman!

Psalm 41:1 Check it out-tis the season?

   No tis not the season, in my opinion of course. Tis every day. When you sometimes think you have the least, you have the most. Don't dwell, but reason things out and go help someone else. It gets you out of your own misery and who knows, maybe some words of direction from someone you help, helps you.
  Now, go west young man, or woman, or go East, South or North, but just go... and do.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

What makes you click ads & what are they about?

       Some time ago I took a look at the ads on my site and then others, if for no other reason than curiosity, but I was surprised. While it may depend on your interest, finances or maybe someone said to you, if you see what I'm looking for let me know. People don't always have time to browse ads, but some do and are helpful to friends searching for items in particular.
        I like to do crafts, make bags and signs, and I'll make bags for a little while then signs or checkerboards. The checkerboards I make, take more time and precision. But the bags are what makes me click on other ads on other sites. I look at designs and wonder what makes my totes or grocery style bags different? Well, I know immediately. First and most important, they are made here in Pa. not factory made in another country, and second, I triple stitch everything I sew.
        The signs I make which I haven't done in quite a while also require more time and patience. What I never want is a sloppy letter, or chipped paint. I am making some signs now for the holidays as gifts for my children and a new baby. I don't think they'll see this-either way, they still won't see he signs until it gets to Nebraska. A little more straight forward honesty here is, bloggers earn from people clicking on ads, but you can also find some good bargains. I did today.
Questions? e mail me at

Logan, Sheetz rt.30 York , The Announcer!

       Over time I've come to know many employees at Sheetz in York, Pa. Some are pure business, some fun and rarely will you see someone who really doesn't want to be there.
      More recently, when I had a kid in for a  spur of the moment late snack, I heard this voice and  remembering smiling. I walked to the back to the MTO area and here is this young guy announcing another order. As he was announcing, an older man stood near smiling as it was his order and he had the same opportunity as I did, to see and hear this kid, Logan. Sorry Logan, and excuse me, a young man.
     Logan doesn't just announce, he sounds like he's introducing a celebrity! Most people say for example, number 123 is now ready in a same monotone voice. Logan announces "Customer order number--- is now ready for pick-up. You can't miss this guy. Sheetz, he deserves a raise. Can you imagine how many people like to hear a pick me up like that when waiting for an order.  Make No Mistake when Logan announces your MTO! Thanks Logan! Your smile and attitude and the fact that you gave all credit to a lady named Deb for your training, shows what a good guy you are!

Bon Ton Stores York Pa. Kerri & Pam

      Have you been shopping on a day when you knew you should have stayed home? Well this was my day. I felt ragged, haggard and jagged, still I pushed myself to get out, shop and be done. No matter what I was out of coffee and since I was going for coffee I knew I could push  it to do more. So after the coffee stop I went right to the local Bon Ton.
     I had a plan and it was an orderly plan, but my first stop at the shoe department in the Bon Ton started out futile. Two days ago at Penny's I asked for my size and right away the guy said no-without even looking.I pushed him a bit and asked are you sure? So he walked in the back and came out, said all we have are these white ones, but not so much as a, I'm sorry, I can check the catalog. Maybe I was expecting more, and usually I just never expect.
     So I was very surprised when the young lady behind the counter who was busy writing stuff, said well, wait I can look, that some pairs run wider, Yes, I needed a wide width. Nope, wouldn't work. She came back to the counter, said let me think a minute and then said well we have easy spirit and they have some wide widths. I followed and by did I find a kool looking pair. But nope, too small. Her name is Kerri Bankert.
      After feeling disappointed about that and explaining I wanted a more dressy type footwear, not sneakers, she called on a manager, Pam Ness. What a team! With Kerri asking more questions without appearing to nag and the manager coming back twice and finally a third time after checking out the Bon Ton web site for the same shoes for me and then finding what I needed, well I am so thankful to say the least.
      Because of their personal service and extending them selves the way they did, I went back into the store a second time today to shop. I prefer stores similar to the Bon Ton because of the less stress. Support your community, watch for sales or not. It's all worth it. No giant parking lots, clerks with attitude because they have been overworked to the max, long lines, and unappreciated like those too big stores seem to do.
     Pam and Kerri, my day started out so sadly with a headache and an attitude that, well, I'll try again, but they probably don't have them either. Well they didn't, but went beyond, to help me find what I needed. I shopped more than I expected, but they turned my attitude around. The Bon Ton, Less Stress, a most important factor during these times.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Social Host Awareness-Conscientiousness, Kid Parties

              This is what it's now being called. I saw this on a moring show and what's happening to and with parents who let kids have parties at home and mostly in the basements. Areas out of sight are dangerous. Moms and dads pop in and out, but kids are kids and will be sneaky, same as adults who want to do what they shouldn't. The father in the case I saw is being charged with forty-four counts of underage drinking/supplying alcohol to minors. They were seniors who did sneak alcohol into the party and according to the show, there isn't any mention of any kids being charged. I am going to look at this more. This is about responsibility all the way around. But don't most parents do what they feel is right. A college professor, this man should have known better? That's what we think isnt it?
              Bottom line is parents, be careful, this is the holiday season and again, kids as well as parents use it to indulge. No not in church you silly person-wouldn't that be out of character? Try it-a good substitute and no fines, no charges, no DWIC-driving while in Church-I know duhhhhh

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Craig-Guest Blogger here and now!

One of my best friend's is my grandma, and she buys me a lot of things, but that's not why I love her, now wait, yes it is!!!! Haha, just kidding! Here are a few reasons why I love her. Well, first of all, over the summer I spent all day with her. On Monday, Wedensday, and Friday she would take me out to breakfast with her "old lady" friends and it was a lot of fun. She also bought me a Playstaion 3 and a few games. And today I wanted to buy a Christmas gift for my new teacher and she puts it on  her credit card because she is so nice. Luckily it only was 9 dollars. A pennant that he collects. Anyway's she is the best grandma ever and she's better than you!!!

He Motivates Me-A Kid Named Craig

       Last night I hear a knock on my side door, well seven knocks with that musical lilt to it. I knew it was Craig. Walking in and opening the freezer he let me know he stilll had my fake poop. Yes a joker am I. Letting him know he could keep it, Craig walked himself to the living room and sat on the sofa, football in hand. I was making a pizza for another kid and a shake for me, a protein shake with a banana in it. I really wanted a pizza too.
       The pizza's were small but that didn't stop Craig from saying to this other kid, older too, that-what? Are you eating that whole thing yourself? Dont you know what's in there? I was surprised to say the least. Then Criag said, I found out I have diabetes last week, so do you ever read what's on the labels? Do you know how many carbs there are in that pizza?  Now inside shrinking, I said uh noo...I don't read pizza boxes because I know it's junk food. We don't have it every night. So what does Craig do next?
     He calls his wonderful supporting Grandma and asks about my shake which is ninety calories and so filling. He asked how many carbs does it have? I couldn't answer. All I could say was it's Herbalife protein Powder, says two percent carbs which turned out to be five grams. I don't know the ratio, per serving or container, but I'm sure Craig could figure it out fully if I asked him. He's that kind of  a kid. Craigs gramma said I must have a small stomach since I get full so easy.
     That's kool, but I wished someone told me years ago. It might have made a difference. Today when I woke up and was ready for breakfast, I ate a banana and two hard boiled eggs. I was content and full, trying not to feel full anymore, but satisfied.
      I felt so good because I thought about Craig and how he impressed me, gave me motivation, so baloney, no coach crap like hey you can do it, yea! Rah, Rah!!! He said what he had to say in a simple manner. I watched him taste my shake in such a tiny taste and that too affected me. I would have asked for a big glass and gulped. I don't know if it's the timing, but I do know he didn't have anything to gain. Craig is a no BS kid, tells it how he sees it.
     I went to a local store today and told them about this kid, not who, just about him and how he inspired me so much that I know I can shed this extra person I carry around with me. too many people over the years have said, oh the weight looks good on you. So what do we/I do, eat more, carry more, do less physical activities and slowly, very slowly as time passes find I am not as healthy as I should be, but thank you Craigy, you have inspired me so much. If you ever need a lung or kidney, just look in the freezer, it's yours.
     One last mention about this kid named Craig-he came in tonight, picked up my viking helmet, put t on and was about to wear it out. I did stop him this time. But I did tell him what he did for me and that now I knew without a doubt I could finish this self challenge. He said casually, softly and as if he really and sincerely believed it,yeah, you can do it. I believe it too.

Iona at Sheetz rt.30 York Pa.

      There is an older lady who works at Sheetz named Iona. What an unusual name. She is short with sandy colored-short hair. Iona took charge today, unlike any other Sheetz employees I have noticed. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I just don't spend 24/7 there.
    There is a line sign telling people where to enter in order to be next in line. Many either just ignore it or don't see it. I know it's there and always get in line. See what a goody goody I am. So okay so many people who work there don't say anything and simply let others but in, walk up to the counter who I have seen look at the sign and ignore it. But no one wants to create a scene, and with the way tempers rise these days...well would you say something?
    But today this guy with a shaggy look, tired and not so clean, maybe coming off a long shift at work, or long drive just went in a line made by those who ignore signs. Iona pointed out the sign. He still stood his ground. Louder, more firm she pointed to the sign and said, you have to get in line. She wasn't acting arrogant, as he was, but simply showed him, we have rules. The poor guy did get in line, three in back of me. As I was about to let him walk in front of me the line filled up fast.
I said nothing at that point.
   There was something different about her today too. She was more accurate on the register and faster too. Sometimes people try to rattle older adults as they do kids.
Not this time.:)
    Iona, thanks, you have courage lady!

Turn a Dreary day into a Cheery Day-Brooklyn

       It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...remember that one. Well I woke to rain this morning and felt good. Somehow it reminds me of those fun days in Brooklyn when we'd see a rainbow and sunshine on the other side of the street.
We were allowed to go out in the rain and play, and no one got sick.
       Sometimes it meant playing marbles on the stoop,cards or jacks and other times it was just fun to sit and talk. Moms and dads were doing what moms and dads do and so were kids. Most of the boys would still play stick ball in the rain, just hang out, or if they were bored would come and tease the girls.
       When we'd talk it was about what we wanted to be when we grew up. That's something I don't hear from too many kids today. Maybe it's just me, but I do hear it from much younger kids about ten and under. So what happens as kids get a little bit older? Are they hearing too much dismal talk from adults, not always parents?
         We talk about too many things in front of the kids that instill negative thoughts and feelings and yes they do need truth in their lives, but not so much truth and not so early. Just because your life stinks now, don't pass it onto the kids. Go gently into their hearts. I keep hearing how resilient kids are;really? Why are there so many addictions, suicides, depressive kids on meds, kids killing kids. I could go on but it's too depressive.
         I check myself as a parent many times and ask what if I was them and try to think of another way to say or do something, affordable or not. Weather it's about weight, education, peer pressure (the worst) religion, sex, or dating we have to be very careful. They're are so many creeps out there just waiting to take our kids. No, I don't mean children and youth. I mean gangs, perverts, drug dealers, clubs and more. Be honest with them and don't let them learn something about you that's so horrible from a relative. You know how that goes. Relatives want to be smarter than their siblings too, so what do they do? They let themselves become available to your kids to talk and then the subject comes up....
      Oh I remember when, well did your mom or dad tell you when they got smashed or tried pot? Did they tell you about the friend they had who they went to parties with and...see what I mean. Many adults just want to look better in a kids eyes. Don't let that happen. You remain their role model. Remember what it was like when you were their age and think about an answer and how it will affect them before you open those lips. You thought this was going to be cheery? It can be.
    When your child comes home from school today, don't use the typical line, how as your day, ask something different and unusual? Want a cup of tea with me? Hot chocolate? Ask how they made it through the day and yes, you'll get a look and maybe a, what? What do you mean how did I make it through the day? Same as always I guess. So as mom or dad your answer can be as simple as, well I just wonder sometimes, well a lot of times how you handle teacher attitudes, stuff like that.  HOLD IT PARENTS! 
   If you say kids attitudes, your child will resent that and say why does it have to be kids, why can't it be teachers? Some teachers do have attitudes, but if you get to where your child is now, chances are they'll open up more, might say well mom I have pretty good teachers but this one "kid" always agitates me and I'm not sure what to do. I feel like I want to just punch his lights now you're on board, and remember how your parents answered a question you didn't like the answer to. Find some middle ground.
    Today make it a cheery day when your child comes home, not dreary, not one of accusations but listening and sharing. Don't get physically too close(leaning into them) but give some space, talk and walk to a comfortable area, like the sofa-they'll follow. Try hard not to take anyones side, but look for solutions, and look for options so your child has other choices he or she may not think about. Okay people, I am gone now. Later.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Those Evil Step Parents-How Dare they

    Hey you mean step parents...what's wrong with you? How dare you try to help and support a family? You have some nerve trying to replace a parent, after all they took off, left, don't have time, not paying support, dating, have a new spouse and new kids and just seemed to no longer have interest in the children they helped bring into the world.
    On the other hand, did you do the same? Sorry, has to be asked. I know there are mean step parents who try to use a dictatorship type household to command respect from someone else's children. But, yes but there are also plain ol' moms and dads who do the same. The difference here is all about blood, how you came into the family and who does the main discipline.
    Can you simply be a support parent figure without discipline? I don't think so, but ground rules need to be set by both parents and step parents. If there is too much hostility between the adults who parted how do you think the kids will react. That is just it-they react, not respond. So do adults. Calm down everyone.
    Maybe one thing you bring to the table is ask the kids how they feel about everything. Come to some agreements and show that you do care about how they feel. Also just a suggestion, go to church as a family. You may be different religions or none at all, so start. Go to a non-denominational church. Don't start off going during a holiday. It' so busy you get lost and most people don't even notice you-unless you sign a guest book, ask for  a visit or to volunteer. Now remember this is my opinion. The Christmas holiday is coming up soon and if theres' one thing most of us know it's, Joy To The World, so don't listen to me, go to church and mend those fences before they fall down completely.
   To those who might read this , if I'm wrong(hardly ever:)) add something better and more positive. There are many parents and step mom and dads who could use some good advice as well as all of those hurting and confused kids.

59th st. Kids, Trains & Tony Snyder-Brooklyn

         Every time I see a train, I think about Tony Snyder. I don't ever remember seeing Tony angry. To me he had a rare set of parents and that isn't meant to take anything away from other good parents. I used to wish he was my brother. Tony was sweet, innocent and so good hearted. We could all take lessons from him in attitude alone. Tony I believe now was truly made in the image of Jesus. That's the kind of thing we don't think about as kids.
         Tony was a tall and lanky kid with a smile that made you smile, no matter how bad your day was, no matter how bad you may have just been treated at home or school. Tony was a light. I wish I knew where he was now.
         Tony Snyder looked like both his mom and dad. More like mom except size. Tony's mom was a very large woman, but I think many people didn't notice her size so much. Like most on the block they too were poor, but she also had those looks of love on her face. She smiled most of the time, but also had those definite worried looks when it seemed Tony or anyone had a problem. She looked so much like she cared deeply. Her brow would be furrowed, head tilt, arms would envelop a person and she would comfort them, speak softly with a slight southern accent.
         Tonys' mom wore print dresses all the time, lowered neckline, puffy short sleeves with all her flesh exposed. She sure seemed happy. Flip flops on her feet, she would sashay to a neighbor and ask how they were doing that day. She had bright red hair which curved with the smiles she brought. She'd toss her hair sometimes and seem like May West was about to say, come up and see me sometime. Tony's dad seemed so opposite.
          Maybe because he worked a lot. I think he drove a cab. While mom looked Irish, his dad looked Italian, so I'm not sure of his heritage, but Snyder is Irish-I think. Anyway Tony's dad was dark featured, brown eyes, black hair and half bald.
He was also shorter than his wife. But they had so much love, so much. When he walked down the street from work, under one arm he carried his steel lunch-pail and a newspaper. In the other, well he usually had a cigarette, and one behind his ear. Tony would run to meet him, smiling, kiss his dad and dad would return that kiss, hug Tony and Tony would grab and carry the lunch pail. He wore a cap, the kind that snaps in front. Tonys' dad was rarely without a cap, even in summer. If his mom was outside she would just stay on the steps and watch Tony with his dad.
           She would make comments to us kids, see how much Tony loves his dad. Oh they're such a pair, she'd say. She would greet him too with such a big hug a person couldn't see his face any longer. Mrs. Snyder smothered her husband with love. When she talked about him, her eyes sparkled. She'd look up to the sky as if she was dreaming and talk about what a wonderful man her husband was, how much she loved him and the love he gave his family. Wow. I was envious. I thought how does that happen?
             Tony loved too, trains as much I think, well almost, as much as his mom and dad. I never knew as a kid anyone who looked and acted like him. He had thick deep dark reddish brown hair, more red and so wavy. It was curlier in front and dripped over one eye. Watching him walk to you, first you see his smile, then his hair and finally whatever he had in his hands. Tony had his hands full most days with a new train, one he just fixed or a piece for a train board. His family and trains seemed to be his life. He made train boards for anyone who asked and that's how I got to know Tony better.
             My little brother loved trains too. But I think whatever he loved was a test, to see what our father would get him, and he got anything he wanted. We were poor, but not when it came to Jimmy. So I was told to ask Tony if he would make a train board for Jimmy. You know what Tony said? With a city block wide- smile, "oh sure I will" he said. Tony grinned on and on and told me how he would do it, how big, add grass and buildings. I told him he better talk to our father first too see how much he'll pay. Tony shook that idea away tell me, he'll make it and take what ever is given! Can you imagine that?
           The following Friday night Tony showed up with a four by eight piece of wood. He cut it down to be a three by eight so it would fit under a bed. Every Friday night after supper Tony stopped at our apartment at 328-59th street, His apartment building was only a few doors up. Each time he brought more pieces to make a town, adding tracks as he could never getting a dime from our father yet.
He did have one condition. He made Jimmy work with him to appreciate a train board and all the work it took. Finally the day came and it was finished.
           Jimmy loaded his Lionel Train set on his new town, plugged it in and the engine took off with all the different cars and a cool looking caboose. Smoke came pouring out, a whistle blew and we looked over at Tony with his train hat on, smiling away. Jimmy held the controls with Tony guiding him. It was less than a month that Jimmy lost interest, and it took about three months for Tony to make that board. I still see his face, smiling as he built that board, wore his train hat and wore a heart of love nourished by helping another kid love trains the same way. I asked my father about paying Tony again and was told to mind my own business, so I dont know if Tony was ever paid. But I do know Tony, and Tony didn't get paid they way most of us do.
        Tony, like his mom, like his dad, cold teach us all about love, happiness and what's really important in this world. It wasn't long before people on our side of the street had to move. The city was tearing down that side, so I lost contact with Tony. He did come to see us a couple of times, at our new apartment in an old brownstone a few blocks away. It was sad to see Tony leave when he did visit. Each time I worried it was the last, and then one day it was the last. Tony Snyder, where are you? Are you still happy? You were my goodness. Thank you.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Brooklyn, Those 59th st. Kids, Rock n' Roll

     They were the best ever. I know if you're from Brooklyn you'll remember this too. Up the block from our building at 328-59th st. was a school, P.S. 140 and  around the corner P.S. 118. Little did I know as a kid just what those buildings would become to me.
      Going to start from third avenue and up and around. I remember well the Korn and Alwell families. I don't want to over state this but pretty sure each family had seventeen and nineteen kids. I do know and remember very well which family had kids who other kids seemed to be afraid of, and nope not saying which one. Me? I liked them all, but yeah, I was still shaking in my shoes when one girl in particular came around. In Later years I re met a few on line and now can say I think I was just a plain ol' scaredy cat!
      My block was on a down hill street, like in San Francisco? You could look down and see the New York Harbor, and during the night hear the fog horns from ships passing through. I loved that sound. It made me dream. When kids think they can't dream because of where they live and who they live with, well all it takes sometimes is a fog horn. I used to dream of going to Norway and Switzerland. I wanted to see those giant snow covered mountains and hear people talk with those so kool accents, see the costumes during festivals and celebrations, and trolls at Trondheim park. I really wanted to see Santa Claus in Norway and feel that cold Norwegian air.
       We had such big apartment buildings you would think how do you ever get to know everyone. Well you do, but you just know them all differently.
         The first two girl friends were Barb and Helen. Now if I recall right, Barb was more my sisters' friend and Helen mine. But just about every day in the summer they would walk up and across the cobblestones street and sit on the stoop, or we'd walk down to their stoop. As a kid I was amazed at the friendships, and many times I'd take a back seat and listen to them all yak so much. I was more of a giggler. I could laugh at anything. Now that made people mad, which made me laugh more, especially in church. I still do that, so I have to get up and leave. Oh well. One day years later on a train in Brooklyn when I was still scared of my own shadow, I was telling Barb about this perv who would get close to me and rub his briefcase up my back, and me? Well I would move and then he would move, all teh way until I got off at my stop or changed trains. Then it happened with Barb there. It was so rare that anyone stood up for me, I wasn't sure that's what it was until aftre I got off the train.
     I see the perv coming near me and tell Barb. She tells me quietly don't move. He starts, my eyes get big and I get stiff as a board in fear and suddenly Barb brings attention to him and what he's doing. She yells out loud, what teh hell do you think you're doing you sicko? You keep your hands off her! Every day you do this, get the hell off the train! She said a few other things too, but, uh you know, words kind of crude. Wish I could have said them:)
    He moved and she made us move too, following him for a change. Boy that was so, so kool. He got off at the next stop and never bothered me again. barb got off teh train before me and when my stop came, I floated up the steps, just feeling lighter, thankful and wondered how she had such courage. As I neared my building on Broadway aross from what was going to be the Twin Towers, I walked over to teh new site, looked at the pictures and thought, I bet Barb feels that high now. to me she was like superwoman. I'll never forget, Thanks Barb!
         Then there were the characters of adults in my building. Burt who wore an eye patch, withdrawn cheeks kind of like Jack Palance, and of course Pete across the hall from our family. Pete lived with his "aunt" Helen, uh huh we thought, some aunt. She probably really was. Poor old aunt Helen about ninety, white hair sticking up and balding always wore only a long white slip with one strap always slipping off a shoulder.You remember that too don't ya? She always seemed to cling to things like she stuck her finger in a socket. Pete smoked stinky cigars and had lots of cats. Many nights he was seen carrying a big brown bag of large cans of beer. We knew that meant he'd be calling, yelling and meowing with the cats, feeding them all night long.
        Then there was a big family on the top floor, not mentioning their names. Poor family, not as in money, but sad. The youngest girl was always messing her pants, digging and digging and scratching her head. That family had lice more than anyone I think and we were told to stay away from then. The old man as he was known was a pot-bellied beer drinker  just about every night. He threw garbage out the window, landed on our clothes lines and boy if anything got my mother mad, that was it!
         Up the stairs she'd go, knocking on the door and tell who ever answered that she just washed clothes and..and ya know what she got in return? More trashdumped out the window. They just seemed not to care. Old man also peed out his window all the time. Us kids stayed out of that alley way. Oh by the way, we finally did solve the trash out the window problem -after a few more weeks of Old man's trash throwing, some tenants saved all their trash. One day, and this was aftre his wife passed away, we knew he was sober and was doing wash and cooking, a rare thing but his son told us. So on that day we all went to the roof. Ah yeah, ya know what's coming. Only on eperson had wash hung out that day, Old man. Suddenly like a storm, our trash just flew from the cans landing on the lines all over his wash. That did stop him.
          Now they had a son whose name I won't mention also, not even his first. He has such pretty eyes, longer than long eye-lashes, short dark hair and could throw a punch as good as any boxer on TV He loved his mom so much. When she'd walk down the street, looking beat tired carrying a bag of groceries after working all day, he'd run up and grab her bag, hold her arm and try to hug her all at once.
          As I remember it, she died about forty of breast cancer. That didn't stop the little girl from messing her pants, peeing in all the baby carriages under the stairs, and picking her nose, wiping on baby carriage sheets. Things stayed the same, or at least they seemed to until I heard one day the brother who could throw a good punch had an operation. It turned out to be true and he is now she. I'll always remember him/her as a nice, good-hearted kid.
   Continued later tonight...don't forget click an ad please