Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is this Thing Called Happiness?

       Merry Christmas Everyone! When you hear that how do you feel? What do you think? Do you just smile and say the same to you but inside feel like you just wish people would shut-up and go away?
        We don't ever know what's happening with our neighbors, friends and even family much less the strangers who greet us ringing bells or serve us at Restaurants and eve the clerks behind a counter. They happily ask, May I help you? But inside are thinking, just go away, and what's so good about holidays. We're not even supposed to say Merry Christmas anymore in many places.
        But how do we contain that feeling of real happiness or should we? No I don't think we should. Be as real and as honest as you can. But be as sensitive as your inner self tells you to be. You might see a dad shopping and you can just tell he has very little, may not be working and maybe his wife is sick or has passed away. So many possibilities, so tread gently into a life.
        It's hard not to be overjoyed when things in your own life are so perfect. but what about the others? Sure many make their lives they way they are and are happy in their own misery. Heck, they may not even be miserable. It's all relative. Then again some are miserable through illness, poverty, loneliness, job loss and what I think is worse than anything at all, a sick and dying child. Instead of expecting, let's try respecting. Just respect a person's life the way it is right now.  Don't look down on them because of how they dress, wear their hair or the car they own, or the obvious poverty in how their kids are dressed, no haircuts, shabby shoes and more. Just respect they are doing the best they can. Don't feel sorry for them, but ask them if they can help you. Let them know how much or how you can pay, but make sure to let them know also, you need the help.
      A first reaction may very well be even if they don't say it-you're just feeling sorry for me. They retreat knowing, knowing you think you're better and this takes care of your conscience. If you really feel like that, take a hike. No one needs pity, they need help. Most do want to work for it, so have Merry Christmas, be joyful, healthy, happy, silly and a little kid-like, and most of all remember how good you have it if you do. This is the season for giving-from your heart, not just your wallet. Jesus said so!

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