Friday, December 16, 2011

Movie-A Young Adult

    I saw this movie today after seeing previews. What I saw was an "as usual" movie. The previews show a few good parts. This was all about a young woman, 37 years old, lives in Mini apple as they called it, is an alcoholic with a deep seated crush on her high school sweetheart. She goes back to the small town where she grew up, re=met her old BF, who is now married with a baby and wants to bed him down-again!
   She ends up meeting an old high school kid who had his locker next to hers all through HS, and of course she never noticed him. He is now using a cane, from a HS beating/hate crime. No not because he was fat, but because a rumor said he was gay, and he isn't. He was left with  a badly damaged leg and a crooked penis. Oh yeah, so exciting, He ends up with his young female friend in his bed in the basement after she got drunk again. She wakes up, talks to his sister and the sister tells her to go home and please take me with you to mini apple-this was after the Yong female alcoholic tells the sister I have s many problems and I'm an alcoholic. The sister solves all the old friends problems.
   She tells her, NO YOU'RE NOT!!! Look at the life you live and on and on. So after this big life boost the young "adult" goes back into the person she was when she first entered the picture, leaves the house to return to mini apple-polis...and that's how it ended.
     I rate this movie a C- not Worth the 6. bucks-yup just six, I went early, too early for ice cream, but I suffered:)

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