Saturday, December 31, 2011

If I Die, At Least I'll smell good!

      Happy New Year Everyone. Not sure where I'll be. Probably home resting this lousy cold that's taken a lot out of me. Yet I am a Viking. Onward I go. Okay so enough of that.
      I spent most of the day at a hospital with a boy who really manipulated the system to go away , to be nurtured, fed, taken care of, get a lot of aww's, snacks and watch TV in bed. He messed up the holidays for his family and when he couldn't go back for New Years Eve, he decided to create a lot of turmoil, just enough to bring police, but not get arrested, just enough to cause concern if what he was doing was indeed serious or sending a message, do what I want or I'll....well we were told at the hospital it's all behavior, that he is just getting what he wants at the expense of society, family and much needed personal. (Is a spanking in order?)
     When the last straw happened and I had to take him in, well just before that I was able to sneak in a shower and knew I was going to be there quite a while, so what did I do? I sprayed myself with my new perfume, Krystal!:)
      This is an old favorite that you can only buy on line and my daughter bought it for me. Even in the emergency room people who were near me were sniffing. ( no not from a cold) Then I stopped at a local convenience store, passed two men, and one gave me a, wow you sure smell good. Of course he was about ninety, but I'll take it. On the way out he said, can I get a little closer and get a good whiff. I said only if you marry me. I went smiling out the door wishing I did my hair too.
    Well now I know, if I die tomorrow, at Least I'll smell good. Happy New Year Everyone.

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