Thursday, December 8, 2011

Social Host Awareness-Conscientiousness, Kid Parties

              This is what it's now being called. I saw this on a moring show and what's happening to and with parents who let kids have parties at home and mostly in the basements. Areas out of sight are dangerous. Moms and dads pop in and out, but kids are kids and will be sneaky, same as adults who want to do what they shouldn't. The father in the case I saw is being charged with forty-four counts of underage drinking/supplying alcohol to minors. They were seniors who did sneak alcohol into the party and according to the show, there isn't any mention of any kids being charged. I am going to look at this more. This is about responsibility all the way around. But don't most parents do what they feel is right. A college professor, this man should have known better? That's what we think isnt it?
              Bottom line is parents, be careful, this is the holiday season and again, kids as well as parents use it to indulge. No not in church you silly person-wouldn't that be out of character? Try it-a good substitute and no fines, no charges, no DWIC-driving while in Church-I know duhhhhh

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