Monday, December 26, 2011

My Friend Sandy , Brooklyn to a Tee

      I met Sandy in School and we became fast friends, well almost. She was a friend of my sister first, but later when we met we knew we had more in common. Both a tad bit off :) we knew we could confide, joke the kind of jokes our parents wouldn't appreciate and talk about boys, also something our parents wouldn't want to know about. We also went to church every Sunday, not the same one, but we went.
     Sandy and I had a couple things of great importance in common. We both babysat our siblings; she her sister and me my brother. The big difference was Sandy was allowed to do her school work. Her parents stressed that came first. We both also lived in a brownstone house on the same street, same side, top floors and went to the same Grammar school. Sandy and I were also tall girls who had crushes on teachers we'd giggle about before and after school, and on weekends too. Oh okay all the time.
    Sandy and I were friends with some adults on the block because we also both couldn't go out like many kids. Our parents were strict, but by no means with the same interest in mind for us. I'm not going into that here. It would just tarnish this article, but I will say, I always had a lot of respect for Sandy's parents, still do. Hey San, if you're reading this, I still would like another trip to Dunkin Donuts with your mom. Boy did we all laugh that night. Your mom is a good person and I used to wish she was my mom.
    Anyway, each time except the last Sandy and I would meet at the Salty dog with her son, my Kev. Her husband came along once I think, but you know how it is with friends. You can be more free to vent, chat laugh your silly self stupid with memories. It's just a freedom you don't have with your kids or spouse especially when you talk about growing up years and stuff. You know, stuff.
    Sandy I am coming up the weekend of my birthday and unlike last year, we are going to the Salty Dog-come on San, we have to! Please?
Friend? Sandy remember those talks with Mr. Korsun and the trip to Long Island with Karen too, to see Mr. Vitalo. Oh hey, guess what, I just got a card from Mrs.V.-that was such a happy day for me. Then Jenny came up for Christmas, and I told her, showed the card and she too was happy. They sure made a good pair San.
     Well San, I'll see ya soon, before we know it, I'll be there. Back in Brooklyn where, My Heart Still Beats; Name of my book coming out in the Spring. Sandy, have a good relaxing week off. You deserve it friend.
Sandy those walks on the block and trying to be so quiet so out siblings didn't hear, the promises we made to them if they would just be quiet so we could talk? Well that was fun. We were always thinking about how we could say what we wanted without our sister or brother knowing. Not that we'd do anything wrong, just the kid crush stuff.
MR. J 7& Mr. V.-we'd compare our likenesses, and yet over the years I know we both still think about those crushes, how those men were like knights. Those men who gave us examples of what to look for in men, but did we? :) Later San, see ya soon, Nance.

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