Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let me know, Please and as often as You Need

       Yea! It's December first and the day is cool and clear. That alone puts me in a better mood which brings me to winter which is the holiday Season.
       I would like to know what you want to know. You see, I love to research things and as an older person I have had many life experiences.  Working in mental health taught me more about another side of life and I am grateful.
       I have worked in New York City in bank as a proof operator, so you would never see me if you came in, but I loved that job and the people I worked with.
       A favorite job I had for quite a long time was a meat wrapper, hard work, but paid well depending on where you lived. Other jobs were as a checker at a few grocery stores in Brooklyn NY. Then I decided to go into my own business as I always dreamed.
        Those dreams work better if you're not as scattered as I was, sometimes I still am. In California I started a clean-up biz for new homes. Back breaking work to be sure, but again paid well, and I made mistakes to teach me how to do it better the next time. That I did here in Pennsylvania for a while, but my back just wouldn't hold out.
        So I started a summer business, called Jenny's Sugar Shack. There's an idea to pass along. I rented a shed at a very, mini mall. The man who owned it was an appliance dealer. I was a single mom and he helped me set-up. It was perfect. It was also strawberry season so I started with shakes then strawberry everything, adding whipped cream and a topping. Early every morning I'd stop at a farm and buy cases of strawberries. My daughter loved working and helping. There was just one problem, well okay two. It was summer and I get migraines in the heat and lifting that shed door up just made my head pound more, closing early. The second and worst issue was what would I do after Strawberries were finished. I just didn't think far enough ahead.
    So from my experiences, ask questions, let me know what you Ask me here or at Maggies. I'm here to help and please check out the ads on the blog site. You never know what treasure you may find on sale.

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