Monday, December 26, 2011

The Absentee Parent

       Without getting into specific people, this can pertain to many kinds of parents. Some parents who are not in a child's life may be due to serving our country. Others because of jobs move across the country and then financially have a hardship and still others in the midst of a divorce create so many bad feelings that one or the other parent makes it difficult. Yet we still have another kind of parent. When one spouse, or ex-spouse simply can't pay the child support ordered, the custodial parent holds visits. Okay I get the bitterness and I get needing support, but I don't get using a child to see a parent. That goes for any parent.
        Be fair, and try harder. There are more parents who are also absent, but I have to leave them out of here. But those of you who can't for whatever reason be with your children, stop damning the people who are with your kids.  Those who take care of kids yours or not yours, are doing so because you don't or can't. I know custody is a right and a privilege and sometimes one parent doesn't get custody simply because they don't earn enough. Yet while in a marriage it was always okay to earn less as long as needs were met. Then the road to destruction happens and suddenly names are called, accusations made and children get left out.
Then children come right back into it when it comes to support.
        The non-custodial parent needs by all means to support the custodial parent, unless of course the custodial parent is never home, leaving kids unattended, spending support on them selves, kids not going to doctors, being left alone etc. etc. Then you need to make a sure-fire plan on how to get your children back. You have to have a plan that says, I can afford to do this. If you can't afford it, talk to family and friends. Just get help and support and stop criticizing parents or caretakers when you're not doing such a hot job yourself.There is plenty of help to be found, just never give up, and I know these are your children so you do want to be particular and it may be easy for me to say. Think again. I don't mouth off unless I do know just what I'm talking about. Yes, it's hard, it's very hard. But what are your options? Give up? Walk away as if you never had anything to do with bringing a child into the world?
    Lots of parents do that, more men than women and both are just as guilty of neglect and should have their stuff all tied up for good, never to have another chance at bringing another child in the world just because, well one didn't work but I'll do better this time crap-screw you! Now go and make a difference with your children and do it right.

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